He was born half dead, but his medical uncle, Salvador Ruiz, was there to rescue him.As he was enjoying a cigar, it occurred to him to blow in his mouth, his newborn nephew, the strong smoke of the cigar.He got him to react.The scare had passed.
It was October 25, 1881 in the city of Malaga, Spain.
José Ruiz y Blasco y María Picasso y López, llamaron a su hijo mayor con toda pompa: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Mártir Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso.
After him, two more children would reach the world: Dolores, in 1884, and Concepción, in 1887.
A frustrated covenant with God
Cuando tenía un año Pablo pronunció su primera palabra: lápiz.His father was a drawing professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Telmo and the little one lived surrounded by papers, pencils and brushes.
A los 8 años, después de haber presenciado una corrida de toros, empezó a pintar usando los pinceles de su padre José.The first work that completed was the yellow picador.He never left her and the painting moved with him in each move.
Alerta de spoilers… A lo largo de la vida Pablo sería mucho más fiel a sus obras que a sus sucesivas y sufrientes mujeres.
When he turned 10, his father lost his job in Malaga and had to look for another.He was hired as an art professor at La Coruña, in Galicia, where everyone should have moved.
Pablo was 13 when his sister Concepción, 7, got sick with diphtheria.He had a high fever and a lot of difficulty breathing.Pablo Azorado watched her consume day after day.A neighbor doctor, Ramón Pérez Costales, attended her.To combat the infection they commissioned a novel serum that was only achieved in Paris, but the remedy took too much.
At five o'clock in the afternoon of January 10, 1895 Concepción died.
Pablo que había hecho un pacto con Dios (dejaría de pintar si su hermana sobrevivía) se enojó para siempre con la religión.From this failure it resolved to be agnostic.
After burying his sister, he painted an oil locked in his room.That painting was also part of his emotional baggage in life.
A few days after the death of Concepción, Paul's first exhibition took place in La Coruña.The young artist was still anesthetized by pain.
In September of that year, José accepted a transfer to change the distressing family atmosphere.They gave him a chair at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona.
Pablo followed his secondary where he stood out as a student. José, que venía observando el sobresaliente talento de su primogénito, prometió que él no pintaría más, Pablo era muchísimo mejor.Decided to give him all his belongings.
In 1898, with 15 years, Pablo left with his friend Manuel Pallarés to spend a season in Horta del Ebro, in Tarragona.He learned to milking cows, getting water from well and shooting a shotgun.For a few weeks they settled to live as wild in a cave.It was an alert trip.
Pablo started playing with removing from his firm in his paintings the last name Ruiz.First, only the initial r.Then, he started using his second last name: Picasso.The reason?It seemed much more original that came from his maternal great -grandfather, an Italian named Tommaso Picasso, arrived in 1807 from Genoa.
In the years that continued he continued painting and began to circulate between three cities: Barcelona, Madrid and Paris.
He worked without pause, but the money he got only allowed him to survive.
Crime and...paint
When he was 19 he had to face a tragedy. El 17 de febrero de 1901 a las nueve de la noche su gran amigo el pintor Carlos Casagemas se suicidó luego de intentar asesinar a su amante Laura Gargallo, que era bailarina, estaba casada y se hacía llamar Germaine.Carlos fell in love, but she made fun of him, he used to say he was an helpless man.For her it was just a trivial relationship.The relationship did not work, but not Carlos's obsession with her.One day, during a meal with artists, at the time of the toast Carlos he set aside his Ragú dish without touching and took a gun.He pointed to Laura and said: "Look, this is for you".Pallarés, who was also a friend of Carlos and was at that dinner, pushed his arm and the bullet was diverted. Carlos, entre la sorpresa y la rabia por haber fallado, apuntó enseguida contra su propia sien y gatilló.
Pablo Picasso was not present that day, but he knew all the protagonists and was a huge blow to him. Superado el mal trance, después de un tiempo volvió a París y ocupó el mismo estudio que solía utilizar Carlos Casagemas. Y, en ese lugar, sin ningún escrúpulo comenzó una relación con Laura.Selfish to the limit, he did not like to tell himself.
No se sabe si por la culpa de haber cometido semejante traición o si fue por la simple angustia de la muerte de su amigo Carlos, el hecho es que Pablo termina pintando un cuadro que se volverá muy famoso: Evocación: el entierro de Casagemas.
Habían emergido los tonos azules característicos de su primera etapa, que se extenderá por unos pocos años.
At the end of January 1902, the painter began working on a study at number 6 of Nou Street in Barcelona.Pablo received the warning here to join the military service.As he had set official residence in France since 1901, he was able to overcome that call, but he had to pay money he did not have.His uncle gave and gave it to him.
In December 1902 he moved to the department of French painter and writer Max Jacob.I worked at night and day I slept in a small bed.It was cold and hungry.I couldn't afford to buy canvases.I just drew.
Fernande and the Murisse
In April 1904, the artist settled in Paris in the Montmartre neighborhood, in a friend's workshop. Luego de un romance con una joven extremadamente flaca, llamada Madelaine, quien le hacía de modelo, apareció en su vida Fernande Olivier.Of the same age, 22 years, but higher and bumps than him, she also posed as a model for artists.
Fernande no se llamaba así, en realidad era Amélie Lang, hija ilegítima de Clara Lang con un hombre casado. A los 18 años la joven había quedado embarazada de un violento maltratador con quien la obligaron a casarse. Por los golpes perdió al bebé y decidió separarse.Changing name was your passport for a new life.
When he started dating Pablo he had already had romances with other artists of the time.They hooked in the midst of their bohemian opium smoking.
That same year Picasso became friends with Guillaume Apollinaire, poet and precursor writer of the surrealist movement. Fue Fernande la que impulsó el cambio en laspaints de Pablo que empezaron a volverse más alegres.What is known as the "pink period" of the painter had emerged.Criticism applauded it.
La relación entre ellos estuvo signada por los celos enfermizos, la posesividad de Pablo y unas peleas desagradables y violentas. Ella recordaría de esos años, en una biografía, que Pablo era, además de agresivo, un hombre “maloliente”.
It was during this time that Paul met the brothers Gertrude and Leo Stein, who enjoyed investing their fortune in art.They bought many of his works.Gertrude, who knew the painter Henri Matisse, decided that he and Picasso should meet and prepared a meeting.
The relationship between painters prospered and ranged between love, admiration and artistic jealousy.They were opposite in everything.Picasso was selfish and mocking;Matisse, shy and educated.
Of these times there is another anecdote that portrays Picasso and leaves him badly stopped as a friend.The two artists had the habit of exchanging their works. En una oportunidad, Pablo eligió la que le pareció peor de las hechas por Matisse.He took it and then invited his partners in Parranda to throw darts with suction cups to the picture's nose. El objetivo era burlarse de su amigo.
By the end of 1906 Pablo engaged in a series of sketches of figures that would end up being his most famous picture: the ladies of Avignon.
Return to a daughter
En marzo de 1907 Fernande y Pablo fueron a un orfanato con la idea de adoptar a un bebé.The nun who governed the place told Fernande to choose the baby or small that he liked the most. La pareja escogió a una niña llamada Raymonde que tenía alrededor de diez años.At this point there are divergent testimonies, as long as it is known about the subject, which place Raymond's age between 9 and 13 years.
The girl was the daughter of a French prostitute who worked in a Tunisiang. Pero los holandeses la habían devuelto al asilo porque Raymonde no mostraba virtudes para tocar el violín.
Raymonde moved to his new parents, Fernande and Pablo.Picasso with 25 years was dedicated to take her to school and teach her the multiplication tables.Fernanda groomed her and gave her dolls.They seemed happy with their daughter.
Pero, sin mayores explicaciones, cuatro meses después, Fernande habría llevado a Raymonde nuevamente al orfanato donde pretendió dejarla.The nun would not have accepted this new failure and, according to some biographers, the girl would have ended up being adopted by a janitor in the area.
No one explained much more about the abrupt disappearance of the little daughter, but all - in the circle of their friends - took their own conclusions.Paul was a man who liked women too young.
The fantasy of having a girl like "pet" had ended.
Un historiador de Picasso señaló que el detonante podría haber sido un dibujo que hizo Pablo de Raymonde desnuda, sentada con sus piernas abiertas mientras se lavaba los pies.
Simultaneously with these disturbing personal adventures, by July 1907, Pablo had finished the work Las Milres de Avignon.Many critics said it was a "garbage" or, directly, "artistic terrorism".The painter took it so bad that, very angry, he took out the canvas from the frame, rolled it and hid it in a corner of his workshop for a decade.
Para este entonces, la pareja había empezado a desmoronarse. A finales de ese mismo año se separaron por primera vez, pero se reconciliaron a los tres meses.When Fernande returned he discovered that in those 90 days of absence, Paul and his friends, they had fatally lacking and drugping.The nightlink made Pablo sleep until noon.If they woke him up, he enraged.
When, finally, Pablo began to be more successful as an artist and earn more money, his disinterest in Fernando began to demonstrate.
The theft of the Lisa Mona
Picasso, who had been along with the painter and sculptor Georges Braque the creator of Cubism, starred in a high -voltage police case.
On August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, on the wall of the Louvre Museum, stole the painting..When the employees found the empty frame on the floor, the museum immediately closed its doors and France closed its borders.It was a proportions scandal because it betrayed the little security of the museum.It had already happened, a few months before, that a journalist had slept in an Egyptian sarcophagus to denounce the vulnerability of works of art.
The Paris newspapers, seeing the investigation stagnant, offered rewards of up to a million and a half dollars for those who provide information.Thousands of cards arrived, but only one caught the attention of the researchers.Honoré-Joseph Géry Pieret, a Belgian citizen, said that stealing works from the Louvre was a simple task, he had already done so. Como prueba dijo que dos años antes había tomado unas antiguas estatuillas ibéricas que había vendido por poco dinero, por intermedio de su amigo Apollinaire, a un artista llamado Picasso. Todos saltaron de sus sillas.
Upon learning of their statements, Picasso and Apollinaire would have panicked and thought about getting rid of the statuettes by throwing them into Sena.Finally, Apollinaire delivered them to a newspaper in exchange for anonymity.
They ended up becoming suspects of the theft of the famous picture.In September 1911, the poet Apollinaire was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned in the Parisian prison of the Sant for two days.He denied the theft of Mona Lisa, but accepted the previous ones.Pablo Picasso and Apollinaire were confronted in a Careo. Dicen que “Apollinaire confesó todo” sobre las estatuillas y que Picasso lloró abiertamente en el tribunal asegurando que ¡nunca había conocido a Apollinaire!
After hearing the discharges of the twenties, the judge dismissed that they were the true thieves of the Mona Lisa and were released.
Two years later, a man named Vincenzo Peruggia, was arrested as he tried.Peruggia was a former employee of the Louvre Museum.Picasso and Apollinaire breathed relieved: no one would think bad about them, their image had been clean of doubts.
But, as we know, that there is a lot of something in the media is usually an excellent marketing.The curious fact of this story is that, when the museum reopened after the robbery and without the Mona Lisa, it broke his visitors record.Everyone wanted to see that empty wall.
Eva, the fragile woman
Picasso was only faithful to himself.While he went out with Fernández, he continues to see Madeline and other women.When he got tired of the relationship seven years later, he used a romance Fernande had as an excuse to abandon it.
Fernande, who was famous for his laziness among Picasso's friends, was left with nothing.Had to fix them to subsist working as a cashier in a butcher shop. Ella fue la única mujer que lo conoció en la intimidad antes de que fuera famoso.Resented with the part that touched him in the history of the great painter, he wrote in an autobiography -which obviously Picasso tried to stop -: “Will Picasso remember now of the young friend who often served as a model and who, at some time,He couldn't go out for two months because he had no shoes? ”.
Apenas dejó de vivir con Fernande, él blanqueó su relación con Eva Gouel.Both women had been friends.Pablo mixed his relationships without problems.
Pequeña, menuda y tímida, Eva era la antítesis de Fernande y se convirtió en la nueva musa para suspaints.
In May 1913, José, Pablo's father.A short time later, Eva's health problems began, it was hard for him to recover from angina.
En julio de 1914, al empezar la Primera Guerra Mundial, Pablo logró evitar ir al frente por “razones médicas”. Además, Eva seguía desmejorando.His fragile health worsened month by month.In November 1915 she was admitted to a hospital. Picasso le dijo entonces a su amiga y mecenas, Gertrude Stein, “mi vida es un infierno”.He was shattered and instead of painting, he began writing poems:
"Eva escapes us
Like murky and unfortunate water
For the sand.
Dominant, travel the space
fast gazelle, bluish silver dark circles "
Eva died on December 14. Nunca se supo si fue por tuberculosis o cáncer de garganta.Paul had visited her every day.He had loved her deeply, but that had not been an impediment to having relations with several other women: a cabaret chorist, a couple of the couple, an Italian Sibarita, a model ...
Paul never stopped his impulses. Como sería que su misma madre le dijo a una de sus tantas parejas: “Ninguna mujer podrá ser feliz con mi hijo.Does not belong to anyone (...) ". Y una frase que circula del propio Pablo Picasso lo pinta en cuerpo y alma: “A mí nadie me importa de veras. En lo que a mí respecta, los demás son como esos granitos de polvo que flotan en la luz”.
Olga and Marie-Thérèse, in faced sidewalks
In July 1916, the first exhibition of the Avignon ladies was carried out.Getting it out of the closet did not placate the criticism that was tough.
In August, with 35 years, Pablo Picasso agreed to design the costumes for Russian ballets.Serguéi Diaguilev's company wanted a rupturist artist and he was seduced. En febrero de 1917, Pablo se instaló en Roma para trabajar con ellos y conoció a una bailarina diez años menor: Olga Jojlova.
Olga pertenecía a una familia de la alta aristocracia rusa. No era una mujer para un romance casual, solo la podría “poseer” con un casamiento formal.
El 12 de julio de 1918, en París, Olga se convirtió en su primera esposa. La ceremonia legal continuó con una misa de tres horas en la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa y los novios firmaron un acuerdo matrimonial.In case of divorce, Olga would receive half of all Paul's assets.
They rent a good apartment on the street of La Boëtie, in the French capital, they took a cook, driver and, barely became pregnant, nanny. Olga le exigió dejar la bohemia y lo hizo moverse entre la alta sociedad de la época vestido con trajes confeccionados por los mejores sastres..
El 4 de febrero de 1921 nació Paulo, su primer hijo.
But Paul could not spend too much time away from his real personality.He was bored and Olga realized.Fights and jealousy began to flood everyday life.
In January 1927 a new romance detonated the marriage. Pablo (46) se involucró con una joven de 17 años: Marie-Thérèse Walter.The passion kept it a good weather in secret, but they gained confidence and Marie-Thérèse moved to number 44 of La Boétie street, just in front of the department where Pablo Picasso lived with Olga.
It was the height of the boldness.
Too young to understand who was dealing with, Marie-Thérèse, endured everything. Picasso la moldeó como una muñeca sexual y experimentó con ella el sadomasoquismo. En el cuello de la joven quedaron estampadas las marcas de las quemaduras de los cigarrillos Gauloise que degustaba el artista.
Where Pablo was going with his wife, the hidden young woman was also.Even once, to have her close on her vacation, she housed her in a summer camp for children. Desafiar la ley que penaba la corrupción de menores también le generaba adrenalina.
When Olga discovered everything, Marie-Thérèse was already pregnant. En octubre de 1934, nació Maya, la hija de Pablo con Marie-Thérèse.
Olga and he separated, but Paul not to divide his assets as he appeared in the agreement, he did not want to grant him divorce.
Las peleas con Olga llegaron hasta lapaint. Los retratos que hizo el pintor de ella, hacia el final de la relación, la muestran como una mujer monstruosa.
Como era de esperar, poco después del nacimiento de Maya, a Pablo se le pasó la pasión por Marie-Thérèse.I had found someone else.
Dora, the beaten
La siguiente mujer en su vida fue Dora Maar, la conoció en un café.She was a photographer, painter, poet and practiced strange games like cutting her hands.
En esta etapa fue que Pablo pintó uno de sus cuadros más importantes, el Guernica, que se encuentra en el Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid, donde expresó el horror de la guerra.
Dora's family, who knew about the painter's mistreatment towards her, opposed her relationship with the artist. Un día, mientras ella discutía por teléfono a los gritos con su madre Julia sobre el tema, el teléfono quedó en silencio en un extremo.Julia had died of a syncope.
The brutal and blows that Pablo Picasso practiced with her came to leave her unconscious more than once. Un chofer contó que había visto como Pablo le daba una paliza.
Dora era inestable mentalmente, no podía manejar la relación ni combatir a Marie-Thérèse, a quien el pintor seguía viendo.One day, they found her wandering naked;Another of her, she said that she had removed her bicycle that she was following in her place. Los delirios de Dora terminaron con Pablo internándola en una clínica mental donde le aplicaron electroshock. Pablo ya había conocido, en mayo de 1943, a Françoise Gilot, una aspirante a pintora de 21 años.I had 41 years.
Pablo's greed was known. De esto hay una anécdota con Marie-Thérèse, que vivía en la penuria durante el final de la Segunda Guerra mientras Pablo disfrutaba de su dinero sin culpas.Once, his ex and mother of his second daughter, went to beg a soap bread and Pablo took the opportunity to show him a trunk full of gold bullion and expensive perfume products.He said: "If something happens to me, this is yours ...".Pure hypocrisy as he frightened without deficiencies with all his other loves. No siempre la brújula de la moral coincide con la del talento.
With françoise the calm did not last.She was not like the rest of her lovers.She exploded every time letters for Pablo arrived from the "others".One day, fed up, he decided to leave him.He left finger towards Marseille.Pablo pursued her with obsession and promised that they would have a son.She, naive, returned.
On May 15, 1947, the painter's third son was born: Claude. Eso no impidió que él siguiera coleccionando pasiones y empezó a salir con Genevieve Laporte.
In 1949, for the First World Congress for Peace, they entrusted the artist with a drawing for the posters that would be put in Paris. Pablo realizó La paloma de la paz que se convirtió en un emblema mundial.
El 19 de abril, el mismo día de la apertura del Congreso, nació su segunda hija con Françoise y la llamó Paloma.
Françoise was one of the few women who did not endure the abuse. Un día de 1953, cansada de su despiadada pareja, lo dejó.He asked for a taxi, got on and left with his children.
With 72 years Pablo nor followed he went to the car to say goodbye.He only shouted when she closed the door: "Shit!".
Françoise Gilot logró superar la maldición Picasso y cumplirá 100 años el próximo 26 de noviembre.
Domination and isolation
A Françoise la reemplazó rápidamente una joven sumisa (eso parecía) de 26 años llamada Jacqueline Roque, quien era divorciada y tenía una hija, Cathy, de unos 10 años.Mother and daughter always had a tense relationship.
At the end of 1957, Pablo bought Vauvenargues Castle, in the Provence area and, a while later, moved with Jacqueline to live there.The day the trucks for the move arrived, Paul experienced a panic attack while shouting Jacqueline to sell the castle because he didn't want it.She, who called him "monsignor" in intimacy, ignored her and the move continued.He had humiliated many times, but no one would take away the opportunity to live in a castle.Not even "Monsignor Pablo".
Resulta que Jacqueline no era tan sumisa y Pablo tampoco tenía ahora, con 76 años, el poder de antaño.
Él, por su parte, se torturaba pensando que su ex Françoise se había casado con otro hombre: “Prefiero que una mujer muera antes de que sea feliz con otro”.
Even in old age he was still unbearably jealous of his past.
El 2 de marzo de 1961, Pablo y Jacqueline se casaron en Vallauris y, en junio, dejaron el castillo para irse a vivir a la casona de estilo provenzal Notre Dame de Vie (Nuestra Señora de la Vida), en Mougins, en la Costa Azul de Francia.That house was Paul's marriage gift to his new wife.
La inteligente y astuta Jacqueline lo había dominado y lo mantenía aislado de su familia.Paul did not see almost anyone and did not receive relatives.To the point that, when his grandchildren Paul and Marina (children of his firstborn Paul.Other times, he left them for hours on the castle door, which was guarded by huge Afghan dogs, until they were bored.
On April 8, 1973, with 91 years, Pablo died at his house Notre Dame de Vie.His heart and lungs had failed.The controversial Jacqueline buried him in the garden of his own vauvenargues castle, wrapped in a Spanish layer.
Pablo, el nieto del pintor proscripto en el castillo, terminó suicidándose al día siguiente del entierro de su abuelo al que no dejaban ver.A bottle of lavandina was taken and took three horrible months to die. Tenía 24 años y para su entierro su familia debió pedir dinero prestado. Detalles de una familia difícil.
Picasso was one of the most prolific artists and appears in the Guinness book of records. Se calcula que dejó entre otras cosas, 1885paints, 34.000 Illustrations, 3222 pieces of ceramics, 7089 drawings and 1228 sculptures. Además de su obra, su legado incluía 4.5 million dollars in cash (the equivalent of about 30 million dollars today) and several million in gold bullion.That added to its properties.Pablo was so superstitious that he did not want to write a will, he was afraid to die the day after doing so. Por ello, su herencia fue el centro de muchas disputas, entre sus hijos y nietos, durante seis años.It also has the "honor" of being the most plagiarized, most exhibited and more stolen artist.
In 1975, Paulo his first son, who never understood his father and lived in sadness, died as a consequence of his alcoholism. Su padre lo había “usado” toda su vida como chofer y cadete.
In 1977, Marie-Thérèse hanged himself to end her difficult existence. Jacqueline vivió trece años más que su marido.At 59 he took his life shooting with a head revolver. Era de madrugada y estaba muy deprimida.
For some to support the genius it seems that it was as difficult as surviving it.
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