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Arrested a 77 -year -old man for photographing children without clothes in the beach detained a 77 -year -old man for photograph

A 77 -year -old man has been arrested in the city of Alicante after being surprised when he allegedly photograph.It was discovered by the mother of a minor who realized that she was supposedly photographing her daughter as she changed her clothes.

The woman and her partner continued to observe that person and found how from a distance she took pictures of minors when they were without clothes, bringing the mobile camera zoom.

Mira también El peculiar rasgo que delató a un pedófilo: así trabaja el 'CSI' de la Guardia Civil​

After making the facts to the knowledge of the National Police, the Second Group of the Family and WomenComplete identification of the denounced and its arrest for an alleged crime of corruption of minors.

Detenido un hombre de 77 años por fotografiar a niños sin ropa en la playa Detenido un hombre de 77 años por  fotografiar a niños sin ropa en la playa

In the registry practiced at their home, the researchers, who had the collaboration of agents of the Technological Crimes Group, discovered in a first superficial study of the telephone terminal and a hard disk "various photographs of naked and content minorsPedophile, "according to a statement from the Provincial Police Station.

The detainee was later released, waiting to be summoned by the Judicial Authority, after giving a statement at the Provincial Police Station of Alicante.The investigation remains open since in the house there were also images of adults without clothing taken in what the agents think they could be costumes of a gym or sports establishment, so try to locate more possible harmed.