A Valencian investor has initiated the process to get the Galician textile Pili Carrera, who is managed at this time by a bankruptcy administrator, and has promised the reinstatement of the workforce, as the City Council of Mos has advanced.
The textile firm of children's clothing, founded in 1963 by María del Pilar Rodríguez and her husband, Welcome Carrera, announced in early 2021 that she would go to the liquidation, struck by the losses and unable to overcome a situation aggravated by the Covid pandemic.
After almost 60 years of activity and a production plant in Torroso (MOS), Pili Carrera had a network of more than fifty stores in Spain and another dozen countries, and their designs were dressed in the children of the children ofSeveral European real houses.
The Infanta Sofia, on the right, with the checkered dress of Pili Carrera./EFE
Among his most distinguished clients were the infant Leonor and Sofia, who dressed on the innumerable occasions of Pili career in official events until they started dressing more youthful clothes.The Infanta Sofia, for example, wore a very applauded one in 2017, in the military parade of October 12: a line A on tweed of red, white and black paintings, with rear metal zipper and adorned with golden buttons.
Mary of Denmark has dressed her three children as Pili Carrera (Isabella, Josephine and Vicent) and Máxima de Holland opted for the Galician firm to dress her daughters in the coronation of King Guillermo, as well as to celebrate some birthday of herdaughter Amalia, heiress of the throne.
Victoria de Sweden chose the Spanish brand for her children Estella and Oscar and even non -European realities, such as the kings of Bután, also seen of Pili Carrera to her son Gyasley.
Below, one of the most fame dresses gave the Galician firm.Above, Pilar Rodríguez (founder of Pili Carrera), along with his daughter, Salome Carrera./ EFE/ AFP
The mayor of MOS, Nidia Arévalo, has held an meeting with the businessman in recent hours, and has given the sale for "firm", although the Pili Carrera bankruptcy administrator has clarified that "the sale of a bankrupt company is aVery long process »and the court has not yet approved the operation.
In any case, the councilor has assured that this investor is already “organizing the implementation of the company, which will imply the imminent hiring of 40 of the Pili Carrera workers, although the intention is to count on everyone and incorporating them intothe template gradually «.
Nidia Arévalo has transferred her willingness to collaborate in order for the company to stay in the municipality, or in the facilities of Torroso where its headquarters are located, or in a new location in the Pamos-Veigadaña Business Park.In this regard, Arévalo has advanced that he will maintain contacts in the coming days with Xestur, with the Association of Entrepreneurs of MOS and with municipal technicians, in case Pili Carrera opts for a new location.
Sofía de Borbón Ortiz,Mary de Dinamarca,Máxima de Holanda,Victoria de Suecia,Casa Real,Holanda,Suecia,Dinamarca,España,Butan,ModaTendencias