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A one -week diet to end fluid retention and lose two kilos

Yes, it turns out that to avoid fluid retention and swollen legs, the best we can do is precisely take many liquids, specifically water, teas and healthy drinks such as natural fruit juices without adding sugar or even our colder cold soupsummer, the gazpacho (without bread and with the fair amount of oil).

And it has an 'scientific' explanation: the retention of liquids that swells us and makes us gain a couple of kilos is the direct consequence of an imbalance between body water, which in 65% is within the cells and 35%,approximately, outside them.When this proportion is invested and there is more water outside that we originate from what we call fluid retention, something that in most cases is usually also associated with a sedentary way of life and a little balanced diet, with excess salt, with excess salt,sugars and alcohol.

A more common problem in women simply because of the mere fact of being, by the type of hormones - which makes the skin thinner and less muscle mass - and because, in general, we are more sedentary.In addition, it always worsens at this time of year: in summer the legs swell and the liquids weigh us, literally."The increase in temperatures leads to blood vessels to expand; the lymphatic system slows down and local tissue pressure, especially at the level of the lower extremities, increases.That is why liquids accumulate there.It is normal to increase between 1.5 and 2 kilos of weight, especially in sea areas, due to moisture factor, "explains Dr. Elena Soria, a nutritionist from Clinic Menorca.

How to avoid fluid retention

The most obvious symptoms are swollen limbs and sudden changes in body volume, which disappear as fast as they arrive.And they get worse when you spend a lotHalf leg or ankle, "says Elena Soria-, medications with hormones and antidepressants are taken or a little balanced diet is followed, rich in salty and poor protein products.

Una dieta de una semana para acabar con la retención de líquidos y perder dos kilos

"Food influences a lot, especially the intake of processed products and sodium -rich drinks, for example isotonic waters, which carry an important salt level," says the doctor of Clinic Menorca."The problem also worsens in summer because exercise is usually reduced, and with the lack of this the return is lower and more liquid accumulates".Thus, the best remedy to avoid this problem is to maintain an adequate, balanced diet, and an active lifestyle.

What should our diet include

The ideal, says Dr. Soria, is to follow a "healthy diet, always trying not to consume excess products rich in sodium.It also helps to take diuretic natural infusions -for example of a horsetail -and that favor digestion, such as green tea ".In general, this is what should include:

And what foods should we avoid

As a standard, to end fluid retention we must avoid all salt rich foods and favor those that include water and potassium.Thus, when it comes to dressing meals you can resort to spices, replacing salt with pepper, parsley, basil, thyme, mint, turmeric, oregano, cumin or any other condiment that we like and contribute flavor to the dish.

In general, the consumption of salty nuts, sausages, sausages, smoked salmon, prepared hamburgers, cereals and industrial breads and, above all, processed foods, because they usually include a lot of salt, because they usually include a lot of salt, because they usually include a lot.

A one -week diet against fluid retention

To help us in the task, Elena Soria has made a one -week diet against fluid retention.With it you can miss a kilo to two, "it depends on the person, because we talk about liquid, which translates into kilos, but it is retained water that must be eliminated, each will lose what you have to lose," says the doctor.If it is done very strictly and for a longer time "fat will also be lost, in case the person needs it, and the reduction of kilos will be greater," he says.


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