31 08
Clothing premieres for 24 and 31 are at least $ 100

Los acostumbrados estrenos para el 24 y 31 de diciembre están cuesta arriba para los ciudadanos del estado Lara, pues, una persona debería disponer como mínimo de 100 dólares para poder comprar dos conjuntos completos.Estrenos de ropa para el 24 y 31 rondan los 100 dólares como mínimo Estrenos de ropa para el 24 y 31 rondan los 100 dólares como mínimo

The prices of clothing and shoes in stores and shopping centers have a high cost.According to a tour made by the newspaper La Prensa, a woman requires around $ 135 to dress with Christmas premieres.

In detail, a set formed by pants, is found in $ 20.A shirt or blouse can be achieved at $ 15.While, with footwear, if you opt for sportsmen they can cost up to $ 25.Instead, if you decide a combination of a dress with sandals, you could spend about $ 45 on both pieces.

In the case of men, at least $ 130 are needed to wear premieres on December 24 and 31.This is because each pants could be worth around $ 20, a flannel at $ 15 or in $ 20 if it is a chemise.While the price of shoes can vary, finding costs between $ 25 onwards.

Estrenos de ropa para el 24 y 31 rondan los 100 dólares como mínimo

Although the value of clothing garments can vary depending on the place and the store, the owners and sellers say that there are not many people buying.In fact, the movement observed in establishments are people finding out prices.

As for children's clothing in Christmas season, at least $ 80 is required.Which would be destined for pants that can cost $ 10, a flannel in $ 10 or a shirt at $ 15.As for the shoes, they are obtained from $ 15, while some boots can be at $ 20.

On the other hand, girls dresses are around $ 20, however, in informal shops can be obtained in eight dollars onwards.

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