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Delta in San Felipe: How was the massive event in the US where the father of the infected baby exhibited

After July 4, the case of a baby who traveled with his parents to the United States as a new affected by the Delta del Coronavirus variant in Chile was confirmed, the Ministry of Health delivered more details.

En el balance diario por contagios la subsecretaria Paula Daza informó que los padres del menor de edad no cumplieron con las medidas de aislamiento ordenadas para quienes entran al país, pero afirmó que sí existía autorización para que la familia hiciera el viaje para participar en una conferencia organizada por "Coalición Fe y Libertad".

Although they had authorized them to make a quarantine at home, "the investigation has thrown that the parents did not fulfill quarantine as indicated, when they went to look for their older children where their grandparents," Daza explained.Due to this breach, they will face a sanitary summary.

Faith and Freedom

What is Fe and Freedom Coalition?

Consultada sobre la situación de la familia que viajó a Estados Unidos en junio, mientras había bloqueo de fronteras en el aeropuerto, la subsecretaria Daza recalcó que la salida del país y el posterior regreso estuvieron autorizados porque el padre del bebé iba a representar al país como conferencista.

Delta en San Felipe: Cómo fue el masivo evento en EEUU donde expuso el padre del bebé contagiado

The event he was invited was "Road to Majority", organized by the "Fe y Libertad coalition".Daza indicated that the speaker with residence in Chile had been invited "by the White House".

"Faith and Freedom Coalition" is an organization that defines itself as "a national base movement of more than 2 million conservatives and people of faith in support of consecrated values, stronger families and individual freedom.Among their areas of interest are, according to their website, marriage and family;Immigration, judicial reform, pro-life, support for Israel and response from President Trump to COVID-19.

Precisely former President Donald Trump has been a speaker in past versions.In 2021, attendees received a greeting from former vice president Mike Pence.

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Case of Delta Variant in Baby of San Felipe: child parents "did not meet quarantine"

Massive event in Miami

El evento "Road to Majority 2021" se realizó entre el 17 y 19 de junio en Orlando, Florida (EEUU) y se realizaron en un resort llamado Gaylord Palms.Among the participants were the Republican Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz and the Dominican rapper of Christian Redimi2 music.

The meeting has already completed, the organizers stood out on their website that there was a "attendance record" although without giving specific numbers.

And the COVID-19?In the frequently explained questions section, it is explained that the organization and the enclosure where it was developed comply with the recommendations of the CDC (US health authority) and that the resort would make a regular disinfection of the places, surfaces and equipment involved inthe event.