09 09
Discover the universe of options in bottles, purchases, good end - The Sun of Mexico |News, Sports, Gossip, Columns

When you are a first -time father, the amount of items that exist for a baby can surprise you;It is likely that most of the time you ask yourself if you will need them or will only be ornament in the bedroom of your little one.

It is important that before the arrival of a new family member, you prepare enough time to buy the truly important, there will be some things that must wait until the baby arrives and as developing.But one of them, in addition to the diapers and the essential clothes, there are also the bottles.You have to have a couple near the first days.

For a newborn, at least until six months, breastfeeding is the only food, except if you need any type of vitamin supplement.Some women for health and sometimes work issues are impossible.

Deben limpiarse después de cada uso para eliminar el exceso de leche y algunas bacterias / Creative Commons

Descubre el universo de opciones en los biberones , compras, Buen Fin - El Sol de México | Noticias, Deportes, Gossip, Columnas