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The exchange of family Christmas gifts can be good for your personal finances - and this is the reason

For 18 years, Erika began a tradition in her family: to give something to each of the members at Christmas.However, his dad commented that he seemed unfair and proposed an exchange of Christmas gifts so that the economic burden was not so big.

Thus, Christmas exchange has allowed them to have a night full of emotions, but always thinking about taking care of money.

“It began with a symbolic amount, then the minimum amount was increased because in the end everyone decides how much spends in the gift;Some put a little more, ”he says in an interview for Business Insider Mexico.

“It doesn't matter how much the gift is, because sometimes we don't have enough money and one wants to be more generous, maintain detail;When it has happened that I do not have much money I buy a chocolate chocolate can.

Keep the tradition of Christmas exchange, but without spending more

Erika says that the amount does not matter."To demonstrate your affection there is no need for money, but creativity," he says.

As Erika's family are many who choose to celebrate with Christmas gifts exchange.The most recent Christmas study, conducted by Kantar, 18% of families commented that they would carry out an exchange of gifts, because it is a family tradition that they do not want to lose.

The spending of the bonus in two0two1 focuses mainly on clothing and footwear (73%), gifts (70%), dinner or parties (68%), 40%allocates it to home payments such as rent or services, 35%to paymentof debts while only two5% allocates it on trips.

Christmas exchange is an option not to spend a lot of money

If you want to incorporate the tradition of exchange into your family, ask yourself: "How am I going to close the year?"And "How much can I really spend?" explains Jesús Chávez Ugalde, Director of Products and Services Analysis of the National Commission for the Defense and Protection of Financial Services Users (Condusef).

El intercambio de regalos navideño familiar puede ser bueno para tus finanzas personales —y esta es la razón

To know, it is necessary that you prepare a budget.This should consider the debts that you have and how to liquidate them so that they do not generate interest or remove monthly liquidity.It is not about everything in this, because you also have the right to give yourself a pleasure, but improve your finances heading two0twotwo will help you.

The Budget for Christmas Expenses

Chávez recommends that you make another budget of the Christmas expenses that you will have;For example, Christmas dinner, gifts or some exchange, even some outings with friends where you have to pay consumption in a restaurant or bar.

On the issue of gifts, consider that family Christmas exchange can be an option not to spend on a gift for each of the members, and take care of your personal finances.

“We must think of those present as something symbolic, such as chocolates, or something useful as gloves, a scarf;But it is important not to want to give them all, ”he said in an interview with Business Insider Mexico.

Tips for gifts, either in an exchange or to give your family

So that the purchase of gifts does not become a problem, and you end up paying more, when what you wanted was to save;Follow these Condusef tips:

1.Plan your acquisitions and avoid impulsive purchases

When planning your purchases in advance you can achieve significant savings, do not get carried away by the emotion of the dates and buy everything they offer you, without thinking how you are going to pay it.

two.Compare prices

Before acquiring a product compare prices in different shops, you will be surprised at the savings you can achieve in each article.

3.Make your safe purchases online

Verify that the site has the security protocol https: // and a lock closed in the address bar.It also verifies your address and telephone numbers, as well as your payment policies, shipments, claim and information privacy.

4.Don't lose sight of your cards

When paying with debit or credit card, request that the operation be done at the Term of Sale (TPV) in your presence;Thus you will avoid the possible cloning of your plastic or improper charges.Remember to save vouchers for any clarification.

5.Don't forget the January slope

A very common mistake is to get carried away by the emotion of Christmas celebrations and exceed purchases;Do not bring note of all these and forget about the payments that begin in January, such as property or tenure, for example.

It is important to keep a record of all December expenses, both those made by card and in cash;This will allow you to be aware of the size of your debt.

Now read: these are 3 recommendations to prevent your emotions from leaving you without money

Read also: the happy hours and Christmas holidays return in the office - for whom they work from home, the fear of being out is real

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