10 04
Five tips to save on laundry

Many times, small changes in daily routines can have big effects. If some things are taken into account when washing clothes, for example, energy can be saved. Something positive for the environment and also for the pocket.

Whoever uses too much detergent and fills the washing machine only halfway, for example, wastes detergent and electricity. However, things can be done differently.

"Washing clothes has a lot to do with customs. In order to protect the environment and save money, it is worth taking a closer look at your own laundry routine and adjusting it if necessary," says Indra Enterlein, from the German environmental association Nabu .

The resource policy director at Nabu provides five tips for doing laundry while caring for the environment and saving money:

1. Pay attention to efficiency

This starts when you buy a new washing machine. "Ideally, choose the most energy-efficient washing machine," advises Enterlein.

In his opinion, all washing machines are relatively expensive. "But many times the cost of these appliances is amortized by the costs that are saved in energy," he adds.

2. Choose the right program

Cinco tips para ahorrar en el lavado de ropa

In principle, the consumption of water and electricity is optimized in new appliances. However, certain programs can be omitted, such as the pre-wash, which according to Enterlein is really rarely necessary.

Regarding the use of the machine, he advises choosing an ecological or environmentally friendly program. "It lasts longer, but uses less energy than a short wash program," he says. This is because the clothes are soaking longer. In this way, the washing machine needs less energy to remove stains and clean clothes.

3. Keep a low temperature

Using the washing machine at a low temperature, such as 20 degrees, can save up to 70 percent on electricity costs. If the temperature is 40 instead of 60 degrees, the appliance uses up to 50 percent less electricity.

But why can so much energy be saved through temperature? "The washing machine uses up to 90 percent of the energy to heat the water," explains the Nabu Enterlein expert. The higher the temperature, the more energy the appliance consumes.

A temperature of 30 degrees is usually enough to clean clothes, according to Enterlein. However, he recommends: "from time to time you have to wash at 60 degrees, at least every two or three weeks, so that bacteria do not form in the machine."

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4. Do not overdose

"Many detergents are now very compact and inexpensive," says Enterlein. "That's good for the environment. But often people overdo the detergent," he says.

The amount of detergent depends on the hardness of the water, the size of the appliance and the degree of soiling of the laundry. It is worth asking the local water supply company about the hardness of the water. "The less hard the water, the less detergent you need," Enterlein says.

Once the correct amount of detergent needed has been determined, a mark can be made on the dispenser cap to avoid overusing. He usually claims that fabric softener can be dispensed with as well.

5. Air dry

"One of the best ways to save is to give up buying a dryer. First, because you save on buying this appliance, and second, because it saves electricity," says Enterlein. The savings potential is enormous.

According to a survey by this environmental association, the most efficient dryer in energy terms consumes 156 kilowatt-hours per year. For comparison, according to this survey, the most efficient washing machine consumes about 90 kilowatt-hours per year.