26 09
From the surprise to the custom: neighbors of Malvín and Malvín Norte narrate the consequences of the floods

The oxygen tank rests, without being able to be plugged in, in front of the wall in which the water reached the middle last night.When he saw that the water was coming on him, Elsa thought of the plugs that are near the floor.But he got out of bed and ran out of search of his daughter: "Natalia!", "Natalia!".Natalia got up and fell her wardrobe up.Meanwhile, Elsa was locked in the background of the background, which he had gone because he felt a noise;When she wanted to agree, the door closed by the pressure of the...

Desde la sorpresa hasta la costumbre: vecinos de Malvín y Malvín Norte narran las consecuencias de las inundaciones