In heat seasons, insect bites are much more frequent.That is why it is necessary to prevent and be clear about what should be done in case of a mosquito, mosquito, spider, bee and other insects.The good news is that there are few times when risk situations occur.
In cold areas people dress very warm and normally under ceiling, with distance from insects.Instead, high temperatures invite more time outdoors to spend the outdoor, which generates propitious contexts so that arthropod bites or bites are multiplied.
For example, taking advantage of the good weather, many families travel to territories where contact with nature and all the fauna that inhabits it predominates.Also, in places where it is hotter, people wear lighter clothes, which leaves the skin more discovered and accessible to be chopped.
To prevent an insect bite, María Soledad Aspillaga, a dermatologist of German Clinic, considers that being in Chile, “it is enough to wear clothes that cover the entire body, avoid direct contact, take antiallergic holidays and, as adults, worry aboutDo not put young children in the grass, which is where the greatest number of insects is ”.
To take care of themselves, some people also opt for the use of repellent.In this regard, the doctor explains: In general, these substances that are put on the skin to avoid insect bites can generate dermatitis, skin irritations.Then its use is preferable to countries where bites can generate a more important disease.In Chile they do not take long because the antiallergic ones are enough ”.
In destinations where the bites can be more dangerous and there are many mosquitoes around, it is convenient to use mosquito nets - with spaces of 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm maximum - in windows, doors and on the beds.The repellent in wetter climates is adequate, both in adults and in children.For pregnant women and newborns are not recommended.
The first thing to keep in mind is that insect bites, in general, do not generate more than discomfort.And before a mosquito bite or mosquito, for example, the common thing is that only a white-reddish bulk or a ranch appears, where it feels itching or ardor, which must be observed.
The basic recommendations in case of bite are:
In fact, "for those who are more allergic - which are found whole and last for many days - the recommendation is to consult and take an antiallergic that also has corticosteroid, in syrup or in tablet, depending on whether it is a child or adult the affected one", add the doctor.
Finally, those who have a history of previous bites with diffuse reactions in the body or with respiratory commitment should always have some antiallergic or other medication indicated by a specialist to avoid an important allergic reaction.
According to Dr. Aspillaga, insect bites do not represent more danger and only in few occasions they merit to emerge.
There are people who are allergic to arthropod bites, so an insect in an area is filled and they are filled with granites.But you have to go to an urgency in the face of an anaphylactic reaction, that is, when the body responds not only with granites in the skin, but also an edema, a swelling of the mucosa, the lips, the throat and it costs to breathe and it is hard to breathe.It happens that, in those cases, the substance that injected the arthropod was able to produce skin and mucous lesions generating difficulty breathing, ”explains the doctor.
Also if manifestations such as headache, fever, body pain or signs of infection appear, it is convenient to contact the doctor.
In Chile there are hundreds of spider types, but only two are the most dangerous: the corner spider (Loxosceles Laeta) and the wheat spider (Atrodectus Mactans).Therefore, a person can bite many small or large spiders and leave a ranch that goes in a few days, but only 10% of cases will present complications.
In particular, the Rincón spider (Loxosceles Laeta) is the one that leaves two punctures or “entrance doors”, which are two holes in the skin.“When is it complicated?When a bold scab is produced at a few hours in the affected area.In addition, it can have fever and hematuria - blood pressure in the urine -, which are the classical complications of spider bites and of course you have to go to urgency ”.
To prevent, it is recommended to keep the spaces clean, neat, aspirated, with light.Also clean clothes and shoes that have been saved for a while before wearing them.
Like all insects, bees and wasps react when they feel threatened.That is why it is recommended not to approach them.Now, if a bite occurs:
In this regard, Dr. Aspillaga warns: "Bees have the poison that can most frequently produce anaphylactic reactions and urticaria, skin, more powerful, intense and distributed in the body".He adds that "the risk of patients who have diffuse ranches is that they also have commitment in the mucosa, lips and larynx, who feel drowned and have to go to the emergency service".
In addition, it is more likely to have an allergic reaction to a bee bite if there has already been one before.There are even special medications for those who have a history, which are prescribed by a dermatologist or immunologist.These are self -admitted injections that are handed by hand in case of being in places away from an emergency service.
Therefore, if a person knows that he is allergic to the bites and is going to be exposed, "he has to worry about the clothes, that is, to have the skin covered to avoid contact, and always carry antiallergic," says the dermatologist.