10 02
Luisa Fernanda W surprised with a new change of look

Anonadados quedaron los seguidores de Luisa Fernanda W, una de las influenciadoras más populares del país, luego del sorprendente cambio de look que mostró a través de su cuenta de Instagram hace apenas unas horas.

It was through two photographs that the paisa left ‘speechless’ to its fans, not only because the blond color that has been looked for for months is already the thing of the past, but because of the sensual red lingerie that posed for the snapshots.

"Day by day I renew," was the description that added to the images in which he showed that he returned to brown hair, with which many of his followers were known several years ago.Of course, he left it the same.

The reactions, of course, are millions and are observed in the comment box, from which many dedicated themselves to praising Luisa Fernanda W because of how beautiful it looks ".

"Beautiful, you returned to adolescence when I met you", "What a spectacular woman!", "You no longer look so tasteless" and "whatever you are always going to look divine my lú";were some of the messages in question.

Luisa Fernanda W sorprendió con un nuevo cambio de look

Dani Duke, Lina Tejeiro, Mábel Cartagena, Paola Usme, Maleja Restrepo, Jennifer Arenas, Julieth Media, Daniela Rueda, Alejandra Ríos, Kelly López and many others, were some of the celebrities who also pirroped her for her new look.

However, there were also those who criticized her, because they consider that she looked better with blond hair and that dark tones are not theirs.

Otros se preguntaron si el cambio le habrá gustado también a Pipe Bueno, su pareja, pues vale recordar que hace un par de semanas él admitió que, aunque verla con el cabello negro le fascina, prefiere verla con tonos muy claros.

Y aunque pareciera que el intérprete de ‘Te hubieras ido antes’ se habría ido por el camino del cabello oscuro, realmente Luisa Fernanda W después aclaró que el tono favorito de su novio era el rubio: “Pipe me dice, en resumidas cuenta, que yo me veo mejor con el cabello claro, como muy rubio, pero es que cuando ustedes me ven en persona y tengo el pelo rubio, no sé por qué yo siento- no sé si tu también lo sientes - me veo como más imponente, con el cabello oscuro me siento como más tiernita”.

See here the images of how Luisa Fernanda W was:

It is worth mentioning that just a few days ago, the businesswoman was also a topic of conversation among those who are pending of her intimate life, because she surprised them with the painting she behaved during the first musical presentation of Marilyn Oquendo, one of her best friends, in theRancho MX restaurant that recently opened with Pipe Bueno.

It turns out that he had a corset that largely adjusted his chest and false eyelashes that, as she admitted it, did not favor her at all.In addition, he concluded that the waves of his hair were not a successful decision.


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