LA PRENSA DE LARA.- Aldía de hoy se está de desarrollando dentro de nuestros hogares, y en nuestra sociedad una situación muy compleja, al término de llamarla tragedia, y por ende les dejo acá en este escrito algunas sugerencias que expertos en la situación de la salud mental vienen planteando, y es por esas razones humanas, para sentipensar que les dejo estas sugerencias, y esto concierne a nuestros seres más queridos, es en relación a nuestros hijos e hijas. Y es que ellos y ellas están sometidos a un estado emocional devastador. Estudios recientes aseguran que, en los últimos 15 años, y esto es alarmante, viene en aumento permanente y de manera constante el aumento el daño a la salud mental infantil que está alcanzando proporciones endémicas, para ello se toma el siguiente muestreo:
-1 of every 5 boys and girls have mental health problems.
-Se tiene un aumento del 43% en el TDAH (El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) es una afección crónica que afecta a millones de niños y a menudo continúa en la edad adulta.ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty to maintain attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior)
-Sexes a 37% increase in adolescents depression.
-Recent studies show a 200% increase in the suicide rate in children of age between 10 and 14 years.
After reading these data and numbers that are alarming, we ask ourselves a question, what can be happening or that we are doing in the most inadequate way?
Today they are necessary, I must mention the following:
-Padres and emotionally available mothers, clearly defined limits, shared responsibilities, balanced nutrition and adequate dream, sharing in general and outdoor spatial, creative games, social interaction, opportunities for games and boredom spaces.
It is recognized that in recent years the following behavioral modes have been presented:
-Padres and mothers distracted by technology (cell phones, tv, p.C, social networks), excessive permissiveness and indulgence by fathers and mothers that allow children?And those who impose the norms, a strong and depravormarked by sedentary lifestyle, an endless stimulation, nannies and technological pacifiers, instant gratifications with absences of boring moments.
Ahora bien, partiendo de estos escenarios, ¿Qué debemos hacer?
That is why some suggestions are left here, starting that it is not a recipe, but actions that can improve our days as long as we put them into practice:
-It is necessary to establish limits, reconfire at all times that you are the captain and the captain of that ship, your sons and daughters will feel surely showing you that you have control.
-I want to offer their sons and daughters a balanced style according to their own abilities, taking into account what they and they need and not those they and they want.Do not be afraid to say no, if what they want is not what they need.
-Propolate nutritious food and limit junk foods.
-Deck them for less an hour a day outdoors in some activity such as walking, riding a ball, or some other outdoor activity.
Thoughts?https: // t.CO/OORAVGDCJA
— jaehyung Mon Jan 25 09:34:51 +0000 2021
-Disfrute at least once a day of a family meal, without phones or without any technological device that distracts them.(If you have wifi distress it while they give that space to share)
-Desis with family board games, and if your children are very small or small.
-Sheats will involve your children in home areas according to their ages, such as folding clothes, ordering toys or any other that considers where no physical risk is running.
-I must implement schedules with conscious sleep routines and thus ensure that sons and daughters sleep enough, and even more when they are of school age.
-I must teach responsibility and independence, they are values and principles for life, avoid at all times to protect from frustration or the mistake, since they will be helped to learn and overcome the challenges that life poses to them.
-Part it that it is they who load with their bags, do not load them, do not take the forgotten tasks, do not fight the change or oranges, and even more so if they can do it by themselves.
-We's opportunity for boredom, since at that time it is where creativity wakes up, never intends to keep them and worse does not feel guilty because they are not entertaining.
-No cometas el error de usar la tecnología para curar el aburrimiento.
-Seet them to greet, to take your turn, to share without anything, to say thanks and please recognize errors and apologize, never force them.
-Sonría, abrace, bese, haga cosquillas, lea, baile, salte, y pues si quiere gatea con ellos.
We are in complex times based on mental health, we must take care of everyone'sof Dr..In psychiatry Luis Rojas Marcos, to which I owe his contributions in this regard.
Greetings and fraternal hugs.
By: Gilberto Barreto.
Social psychologist.
*The Lara press is not responsible for the opinions issued in the articles, its content is of the entire responsibility of its authors*.
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