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More minors die from accidents than by Covid in Mexico: López Gatell what epistosis is and why it is essential to understand how dangerous an omicron is

Los menores del edad en México mueren más a causa de accidentes que por COVID-19, aseguró el subsecretario de Salud, Hugo López-Gatell, quien insistió que esta enfermedad “no es una causa sustantiva de riesgo”.Mueren más menores de edad por accidentes que por COVID en México: López Gatell Qué es la epistasis y por qué es fundamental para entender qué tan peligrosa es Ómicron Mueren más menores de edad por accidentes que por COVID en México: López Gatell Qué es la epistasis y por qué es fundamental para entender qué tan peligrosa es Ómicron

The official asked mothers and fathers not to worry about his children in this return to classes, since COVID-19 has very low mortality rates.

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During the health pulse of the president's daily conference, López-Gatell announced updated data regarding the state that keeps the epidemic;especially the situation of children under 18 or 20.

El informe de Datos de mortalidad 2020 del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi) señala que respecto a los grupos de edades, desde los menores de un año y hasta 19 años, la causa principal de muerte no tiene que ver con el padecimiento de COVID-19.

In children in one year, it is placed in the 10th place between the causes of mortality and in number 1 perinatal diseases appear.

On the other hand, in the case of groups from 1 to 4 years, from 5 to 9 years old, from 10 to 14 years and from 15 to 19 years, accidents appear in the first place of death, leaving COVID-19 inThe last places.

Mueren más menores de edad por accidentes que por COVID en México: López Gatell Qué es la epistasis y por qué es fundamental para entender qué tan peligrosa es Ómicron

With these data, López-Gatell insisted that the condition for this virus represents a very low cause of mortality and there are other situations that are of greater importance, so “COVID-19 is not a substantive cause of risk”.

He reiterated that the situation is very different from it is presented in adults, since minors do not have a high risk of suffering Covid, of being serious or lethal.

Regarding the return to clas.

From the beginning of the epidemic, at least 60 thousand minors were infected with Coronavirus in the country, the rhythm of new confirmed cases increased in recent weeks -in the middle of the so -called “third wave” where the delta variant predominates -,,And at least 613 minors have died from this disease in Mexico, according to the Sipinna system count, of the Ministry of the Interior.

According to the analysis of the Serendipia Data Portal, in the Sipinna Registry, the cases of “Clinical Association and by Dictamination Committee” are not counted, and only those confirmed with laboratory test are added, so there would be a sub -registrationAnd the real figure would be up to more than 140 thousand cases of minors with Covid during the pandemic.

Read more: I return to classes: with protocols and 50% schools reopened after 17 months of pandemic

30 states with a downward trend

De acuerdo con los datos presentados por el subsecretario de Salud, hace un mes que la curva epidémica de casos estimados comenzó a declinar, por lo que ya existen señales claras de que se está en un proceso de reducción que se anticipa continuará a lo largo de las siguientes semanas.

In comparison of the 17 federative entities that last week showed an epidemic curve in decline, this week there are 30 federative entities that show it, of the total of 32.

Also regarding the graph that shows hospital occupation, it can be noted that there is a tendency to decrease in the 30 entities, where the curve begins to reduce.

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Para entender mejor
>Casos de COVID en menores de edad crecen 7 veces de mayo a julio
27 de agosto, 2021