20 08
Elder from Posadas was killed by a carafe: a detainee teenager

A 15 -year -old teenager was delayed last night as the main suspect of the murder of Alberto Domínguez Rolón, the 77 -year -old old man found dead in front of his humble house located in the former Hipódromo de Posadas neighborhood.

According to what could rebuild the voice of missions, it all started yesterday morning, around 7.30, when the victim's daughter went to her father's house and found him murdered in the middle of a pasture located in front of the precarious box where the old Paraguayan nationality resided several years ago.

Immediately, the woman called 911 and a patrol of the nineteenth -century police station that confirmed the scene attended the place that confirmed the scene.

The body of Domínguez Rolón had blows and sharp wounds, some located in the stomach and others in the neck area.

From there, the intervening troops, with the support of the homicide management specialists, began with the investigation of the case.


Anciano de Posadas fue asesinado por una garrafa: un adolescente detenido

According to sources consulted by LVM, the researchers initiated inquiries with the residents of the area and nobody had seen anything, but in those tours the investigations noticed something suspicious: two teenagers in the neighborhood had disappeared and their relatives did not know where they were.

Given this context, the investigations focused the search on both young people, until the hours of the night found them and the suspicions were confirmed, given that one of them would be the author of the crime and the other a witness that was key to the clarification of the clarification of the done.

The reconstruction drawn by the researchers indicates that the author of the crime would be a 15 -year -old teenager, who attacked Domínguez Rolón to steal a carafe and then threw the knife used in the land of a neighbor.

It is estimated that while the teenager escaped from the scene with totally bloody clothes he met the other young man, who told him that he had killed the old Paraguayan and asked him not to have anything.

The correctional court and minors two, in charge of Judge Marcela Leiva, ordered that the boy be delayed in the frame.


The adolescent involved was arrested in a Plaza in the Fatima neighborhood and was transferred to Cemoas (Model Center for Assistance and Monitoring Children and Adolescents in conflict with the Law), created last year.

This fact became the sixth homicide that is recorded in missions so far this year and four occurred in Posadas.

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