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Santabarbarense model undertakes with its own line of garments and accessories

Redacción. Modelo santabarbarense emprende con su propia línea de prendas y accesorios Modelo santabarbarense emprende con su propia línea de prendas y accesorios

The beautiful Lisdy Isabel Sabillón is only 28 years old, but she has not blinked at the moment of embarking on a fashion line called 'stitches', where she makes all kinds of clothes for women, from blouses, dresses, bathing suits and hair accessories.

The young girl from Santa Barbara and resident in the city of San Pedro Sula, is another example that 'when you want you can'. Lisdy is a model, designer, designer and a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, a career that she hopes to culminate in a year and a half.

"my enterprise arose on a night of insomnia, I was thinking that I could make me like it and take advantage of it in the midst of a pandemic, since I was out of work. My source of inspiration in everything has always been my mom, since she is a professional tailor and we have many sewing machines at home, so the next day of generating the idea in mind I started doing scrunchies (tails to hold the hair)," begins.

His passion is sewing

'Descubrí que aparte del maquillaje, costurar también se volvió mi pasión, y fue así como poco a poco miemprendimiento ha ido evolucionando, siempre con la ayuda de mis clientes, amigos y familiares. Mis productos han tenido una gran aceptación', agrega.

Modelo santabarbarense emprende con su propia línea de prendas y accesorios

The beautiful young woman hopes to continue to learn and train, to get her brand 'stitches' to position herself as a national store provider. 'that for me is a very great challenge and dream that I am putting in the hands of God', persevere.

Sabillón shipments his garments in San Pedro Sula and shipments nationwide, as he has clients in Roatán, Comayagua, Tegucigalpa, Copán Ruinas and other departments.


Para contactar a la emprendedora Lisdy Sabillón puede realizar sus sus pedidos por mensaje directo al3274-5904. Su página de Instagram como@stitcheshn y también su perfil personal como @ Lisdy_sabillon

He makes a recommendation to new entrepreneurs: 'what I can give you as advice is that you have faith and confidence in yourself and what you do, we often expect support from people who know us and perhaps we do not receive it as we would like, but believe me that when a door will not have been, many more are ready to take the first step towards success,' concludes the young Saint Barbarian.

We're looking for entrepreneurs.

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