03 08
Science recycling clothes: ideas to reuse old clothing

Tomando algunas ideas como inspiración, puedes reutilizar ropa vieja para hacer manualidades, adornos, regalos y accesorios útiles para tu hogar. Si al organizar el clóset encuentran prendas rotas o dañadas, que no puedas donar, puedes darle una segunda vida, mediante una actividad entretenida, relajante y a la vez, buena para el medio ambiente.Ciencia Ciencia Reciclar ropa: ideas para reutilizar ropa vieja Ciencia Ciencia Reciclar ropa: ideas para reutilizar ropa vieja

Ideas to reuse old clothing

Almohadons covers with sweaters

A sweater has the ideal measure to make a case and does not require much work, but you should simply cut under the sleeves, to obtain a tube -shaped tissue, and then join the ends with seams.

Soft sweaters are ideal for making cushions for winter, but you can also use sleeves to decorate recycled bottles, cups or bottles.

T -shirt fabrics

Ciencia Ciencia Reciclar ropa: ideas para reutilizar ropa vieja

Cutting the fabric of the old shirts in strips you can make a trapillo, which you can weave to crochet or braid to make crafts, such as jewelry, table protectors, rugs, poufs, blankets and carpets, among others.This is a technique to reuse very modern old clothing, which provides excellent results.

Kitchen organizers

Surely you have reused old fabrics on many occasions, such as kitchen cloths or to clean the furniture.But if the fabric is in good condition, you can create some useful accessories or decorations.

You can sew a fabric bag for bread, cereal sachets, a mitte.

Carpets with jeans

With worn or old jeans, which you can no longer use, but of those who do not want.If you have a sewing machine at home, you can cut all jeans to make a carpet for children, or a mat for your pets.

Dolls with socks

With the socks that have lost their pair you can make dolls or puppets for children.If you are looking for ideas, you will find a lot of models that will inspire you, such as animals (bears, cats, penguins) and fun characters (for Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas).

Take advantage of the cleaning and organization of the closet for the new station and keeps what you are not going to wear to apply any of these ideas to reuse old clothing.This is an excellent way to reduce waste and collaborate with the environment, while creating useful accessories and decorations for your home.

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