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Solidarity multiplies this Christmas and apart

This Christmas solidarity initiatives multiply.After the limitations that were imposed last year due to the sanitary restrictions derived from the pandemic, in these weeks the calls for collection of toys, books or food follow each other.But there are also many initiatives to get funds to help the most needy, where this time there are also those affected by the La Palma volcano.What remains unchanged is the essence of the message that is launched to the Valladolid: a simple solidarity gesture can change the lives of many people.And if that gesture is made during the Christmas holidays, it usually gets a smile in the little.This altruistic spirit permeates the numerous solidarity campaigns that are being developed during these days in the Valladolid province.This expand offer leaves few excuses so that citizens do not find a good purpose to support.Red Cross, Caritas or the Food Bank are the main recipients of these donations, but also other institutions such as the University of Valladolid, several educational and also commercial centers.Among the most veteran campaigns is that of the Red Cross that aims to collect more than a thousand new, non -sexist and not war games and toys to promote healthy and enriching game.As they point out from the NGO, the crisis derived from the health situation by COVID-19 has worsened the situation of many families served, and therefore, this campaign becomes even more importance in this context in which it seeks to guarantee that these children,girls and young people do not have difficulty access to game.But there are also initiatives focused on the elderly, such as the project of the University of Valladolid (UVA) that seeks to mitigate the feeling of isolation in residences.This allows university students to send Christmas congratulations to these residents to make them feel good during these dates.

Solidarity agenda

Solidarity ride

December 11.20:00 hours.This Saturday this beneficial act will be held, in the church of San Martín, of collaboration with the Solidarity Cavalcade of Reyes in Piedecuesta (Colombia).Intervene: Band of Gaitas from the Brotherhood of La Piedad.Collaborate: Athenaeum Coral.Free admission.Organized by: Acycol (Association of Friends of Colombia in Castilla y León).Solidarity wishes

December 15.7:00 p.m..The University of Valladolid presents 'Solidarity Wishes'.A historical journey to Christmas, in charge of the Spanish Ballet UVA and Coro Grape. La cita tiene lugar el December 15 de 2021, a las 19.00 hours, in the Borja room.One more year, the University of Valladolid wants to support UNICEF in its humanitarian work, this time the Spanish choir and ballet will offer us a historical journey to Christmas.Tickets cost 10 euros and a zero row is also enabled and donations can be made in this account: ES62 0182 5579 81 0201503308.The collection will be allocated entirely to the work that UNICEF performs to distribute vaccines against COVID-19 to all countries in the world.

Sneakers collection

La solidaridad se multiplica estas navidades PUNTO Y APARTE

December 15.7:00 p.m..The Football Values Foundation and the Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, with the collaboration of the City of Valladolid, a mass collection of football boots and sports shoes in general, until December 16.Donations will be destined for the Sahara refugee camps.The collection will be carried out through boxes that will be enabled in all the civic centers of Valladolid (except in the Campillo). Algunos clubes, como el Recoletas Atlético Valladolid, se unen a esta iniciativa facilitando la recogida en el Huerta del Rey durante la disputa de un encuentro del día December 11.

Congratulate Christmas

Until December 16.The University of Valladolid launches for the second consecutive year the initiative congratulates Christmas, after the great reception of the last edition.It is intended that older people, domiciled in residences of Castilla y León, and that at this time they have a feeling of isolation, receive a Christmas greeting from grape students, promoting intergenerational solidarity and favoring the decrease in the intergenerational gap that withreason for the current health situation is increasing.The initiative is launched through the Rectoral Delegation for University Social Responsibility and in collaboration with the Vice -Rectors of the Palencia, Segovia, Soria and Student Campus.

charity market

From December 16 to 19.The event, organized by the Madagascar project, in the Church of La Paz aims to raise funds to help alleviate the consequences of the famine that the country suffers.


Decembre 19th.18:30 hours.Next Sunday, in the Millennium dome, the Children's Charitable Christmas Gala will take place, in charge of Valladolid's dance schools in Valladolid.The donation has set three euros.

benefit concert

Decembre 19th.18:00 hours.Next Sunday the XIV Family Christmas Concert 'The dream of Federico Chueca' will be.The event will serve to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Master of the Zarzuela, directed by Ernesto Monsalve.Tickets cost ten euros and collection will go to the NGO Harambee.

biker ride

Decembre 19th.17:00 hours.On Sunday the solidarity concentration will be held in favor of the Red Madre and Red Íncola associations, between 17.00 to 18.30 hours, in the parking lot of the José Zorrilla stadium.19.00 to 21.00 hours activities are scheduled for all audiences and collection of school supplies and hygiene products for mother and babies.

Donation Toys

Decembre 19th.17:00 hours.The campaign 'The Educational Toy' of the Red Cross Juventud is organized again to try to collect new, non -sexist and non -war games and toys for 1.000 children from Valladolid.In addition to the delivery of toys at the enabled collection points, you can collaborate with the campaign making donations on the Red Cross website, through the phone 900 104 971 and by sending SMS with the word toy at 38088 (three euros), which will be allocated entirely to the purchase of toys for children from families in social difficulty.

Solidarity Tournament

del 17 al Decembre 19th.That weekend the charity tournament will be held in Aldeamayor de Golf in favor of the Food Bank of Valladolid and People Foundation.

Solidarity Bethlehem

Until December 22.The Alcazarén School of Professionals works in two solidarity initiatives that will carry out the students of the Center to help Cáritas and Redmadre associations.On the one hand, a chocolate nativity scene has been prepared for the benefit of Cáritas Valladolid.The school pastry department developed during the last two months, a chocolate modeling course.Following this initiative, several participating students put into practice what a chocolate nativity scene for solidarity purposes that is exposed at the entrance of the school.Anyone who wishes can visit it and will have the opportunity to donate, in cash or by Bizum, to Cáritas.At the same time, from school will also collaborate with the Redmadre association.In this sense, there will be a collection of diapers, powdered milk, baby clothes or bottle between December 3 and 22.

Solidarity carousel

Until December 22.At the entrance of the Ikea atrium you can enjoy only € 1 of a classic uncle live for the little ones in the house.The full collection of what is collected will be donated to local NGOs: Valladolid Food Bank, Messengers of La Paz Cyl, Eusebio Sacristán Foundation, Sandra Ibarra Foundation of Solidarity in front of cancer, Red Cross Youth Valladolid, Down Valladolid Foundation and Aspaym.Collection of books

Until December 22.The Kumon Valladolid Center - Alameda Park this year the solidarity campaign for book collection, in collaboration with the Paz Messenger Organization, so that no child stays without enjoying the magic of reading during this Christmas and next year.To do this, and until December 22, the doors of the center, located at number 6 of Armuña Street, will be open so that all Valladolid families, enrolled or not in the center, give stories and, with it, Illusionand imagination for hundreds of children.In the 2018 edition, more than 200 copies were received and, this year, the Center hopes to return to the commitment of families with this solidarity initiative.

beneficial calendar until end of stock.The Benal Erotic Calendar of Pedrajas de San Esteban is already on sale.Collection will go to investigation for hereditary cancer prevention.Contribution of six euros.Distribution points: Pedrajas de San Esteban, Istcar, Valladolid, Olmedo, Medina del Campo, Villaverde de Iscar and Talavera de la Reina.

solidaridad con angola

on Christmas.The parish of Santa María de Olmedo will celebrate this Christmas campaign of 2021, aimed at raising funds to build a mill destined for self -supply to a boarding school that forms rural teachers in Vavayela (Angola).The Olmedana Solidarity campaign reaches its 27th edition, after a long road that include ten years of twinning with Bunkeya (Zaire) and support for Arequipa (Peru), to the victims of the Lorca earthquake, to the victims of the economic crisis inOlmedo, to the refugees of the war in Syria and Iraq, and to projects with children and the elderly in Colombia and Cuba.

Collection food

Neighborhood Associations.The Entrevecinos collective of Valladolid appeals to the generosity of the Valladolid to donate during these days foods, hygiene products and cleanliness.Donations can be deposited at the headquarters of the Antonio Machado Neighbors Federation, and the different neighborhood associations involved in this social project.A current account for economic donations has also been enabled.

Each portal imports

Until the end of December.The 2021 Christmas campaign that Caritas has just launched invites to look at the thousands of portals where there is no mule or ox, but families that do not reach the end of the month. Con el lema 'Esta Navidad, Each portal imports', Cáritas lanza una llamada a la colaboración económica y a poner en práctica la generosidad con las personas en situación más precaria en una sociedad herida, mucho más pobre, frágil y vulnerable.For this, you have enabled on your website (Caritas.is) a space tab to facilitate economic donations.The Christmas campaign is, next to that of Charity Day (Corpus Christi), one of the two occasions of the year in which Cáritas launches an expression an invitation to economic collaboration to sustain the work of fighting poverty.