22 01
The Spaniards will spend 313 euros on average on the return to school, 36% more than in 2020

Spanish households will spend 313 euros on average in the return to school, 36% more compared to last year, according to the latest edition of the study on the spending of the Spaniards at the beginning of the school year, prepared by the ObservatoryCetelem and that has been published on Wednesday.The study is based on the responses of about 1.000 participants in an online survey.

These figures suppose an even greater increase, of 38%, in the intention of the expense with respect to the last prepaandemia figure, that of 2019, which placed the average spending of the Spaniards in 'The return to school' in 226 euros.

According to the Cetelem Observatory, BNP Studies Unit Paribas Personal Finance, most Spaniards have, however, the intention of spending the same, as 65% (59% in 2020) states it..


However, 21% of those consults plan to spend more on these purchases that traditionally mark the end of the holiday period, five percentage points more than the previous year.In addition, there is a decrease of 12 percentage points among those who declare to have a lower disbursement than 2020.

Los españoles gastarán 313 euros de media en la vuelta al cole, un 36% más que en 2020

Regarding the amount of amount, 4 out of 10 respondents declare to have the intention of making a contained expense, up to 100 euros, while 15% declares that it will make an important disbursement, above 500 euros, pushing the average expendituresignificantly above the previous years.

As for purchasing habits, 48% of respondents claim not to have changed these habits, and will continue to buy products related to the educational stage in the physical store, as did before the pandemic, although with a decrease with respect to previous years.


On the other hand, three out of ten respondents (29%), declare that, if they previously made purchases of school supplies in physical stores, now on the occasion of the health situation, it will do it online '.Finally, there are 23% of consumers who already bought online before, and will continue to do it now (4 points more than in 2020).

Material, books, clothing and masks

Regarding the products that will lead the demand in this period, the balance is similar to that of previous years: the school supplies, the books and clothing stand out, with purchase percentages of 53%, 48% and 43% respectively.The study includes an increase of 6 percentage points (with respect to 2020) in the case of school material and books, and 5 points in the case of clothing.

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It also highlights the growth of the intention of spending on masks and disinfectant gels for the return to the classrooms.Approximately half of the parents think that the purchase of these materials will be a greater disbursement than last year.