12 04
The boom in buying and selling used clothing in Barranquilla

.Advertising. El boom de la compra y venta de ropa usada en Barranquilla El boom de la compra y venta de ropa usada en Barranquilla

The silver is made, you just have to look for it. This popular saying is used by Colombians at the time of having a job opportunity or proposal, setting up a business or selling any product. Some Barranquilla families attest to this.

On Calle 30 between Carreras 38 and 40, in the Barranquillita sector, in the city of Barranquilla, there are several businesses that sell and buy second-hand clothes in good condition and at low cost, ranging between 1,000 and 20,000 pesos, depending on the garment. In this sector there is also the grain market, a shopping center that offers handicrafts, grains, footwear, ordinary foods and, in the middle of these stores, a space for the sale and purchase of used clothing.


In recent days I visited the place and I met Mr. Hernández, who has been working for more than 40 years selling and buying second-hand clothes from people who arrive with sacks, boxes, and bags full of pants, shirts, blouses, and ladies' dresses. gentlemen and children.


El boom de la compra y venta de ropa usada en Barranquilla

Mr. Hernández leaves his house, located in the Simón Bolívar neighborhood, starting at six in the morning. He goes to his workplace, which is in the Barranquillita sector outside the Mercado de Grano shopping center, and he has no time to return until he gets the money to feed his family. Just as the Hernández family, who lives from the used clothing trade, many families from Barranquilla also do so, but in very precarious conditions because they are not well located.


The clothing flea markets are located in a highly dangerous area, where robberies, the consumption of vices and murders are the order of the day. They, the owners of these stores, invite the district mayor, Jaime Pumarejo, and the governor, Elsa Noguera, to relocate them or improve conditions in the sector.
