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The carving, the last battle of Tania Llasera: "We are creating problems of complexes and self-esteem"

The sizing of the garments of the large chains is once again in the spotlight thanks to the work and grace of Tania Llasera. The well-known presenter has exploded on her social networks against the system used by some of the best-known chains and has criticized that it is "unreal".

"How is it possible that I have a size XL?", he said in some stories that have gone viral while showing off a pair of pants that he had just bought. The presenter has chatted with Inés Paz and her collaborators in 'Summer Days' and has underlined the impact that sizes can have on people's mental health.

"It doesn't matter to me being an XL, but it seems very important to me, especially for young people, that they are real sizes for real women, I think they fit very badly," said the host, who was widely criticized a few years ago when she gained weight and she has been surprised by the number of people who have written to thank her for making this problem visible: "I accidentally opened a melon, it must be very common because of the number of people who are writing to me ".

"It doesn't matter if you are young or old, who has not entered a store and has not been able to fit into any garment or has been told like Julia Roberts 'we don't have sizes for you here'?", has been asked.

Sizes for non-regulatory bodies

The carving, Tania's last battle Llasera:

"You go home depressed and it doesn't matter what size you are or what problems you have", she pointed out while claiming that not all women are "normative and tiny". "We all want to be modern and cute and fit in a size that is your size, don't be lied to, it's unfair," she claimed.

The presenter has warned that she will continue fighting for this fight: "I will be heavy for many more years, until this changes I will be a pylon, we are creating problems in mental health, in complexes and in self-esteem a lot of women in particular, but also men, and it's time for things to change and for sizes to really start to fit."

However, he has pointed out that it is a problem that particularly affects Spain, since, he explained, when he goes to foreign stores if the clothes fit, for which reason he has invited the managers of the big brands to get up to speed and welcome people to get in touch with her: "I expect a call at any time and they will explain to me how the patterns and sizes are going and invite me to see it".