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The last minute news of Castilla y León: Monday, June 14

Lunes 14 de junio

21:45 Los sindicatos celebran que “la fuerza” del Diálogo Social haya permitido los nuevos acuerdos “pese a la posición de algunos”

Los sindicatos pertenecientes al Diálogo Social en Castilla y León, Comisiones EITHERbreras (CCEITHEREITHER) y la Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), celebraron hoy que “la fuerza” del mismo haya permitido los cinco nuevos acuerdos, firmados hace apenas dos semanas entre patronal, sindicatos y Gobierno autonómico, “pese a la posición de algunos”.Las noticias de última hora de Castilla y León: Lunes 14 de junio Las noticias de última hora de Castilla y León: Lunes 14 de junio

He referred to the Secretary of Employment, Institutional Policy and Social Dialogue of CCEITHEREITHER, Saturnino Fernández de Pedro, to the position of some members of citizens in the regional government, especially in the Ministry of Industry and Employment, for generating “many problems” inNegotiation, defending positions such as "that social dialogue must change and that unions should not paint much".

21:30 Las reivindicaciones del Pueblo Saharaui llegan a las Cortes y al acueducto

The march for the freedom of the Saharawi people has arrived this Monday in Valladolid, with a concentration in front of the headquarters of the Courts of Castilla y León, where they have asked Spain that, after being “part of the problem”, it is now also ofThe solution in the Sahara conflict, "for its ethical, political and historical responsibility", while in the afternoon its members have been received in Segovia, at the foot of the aqueduct.Half a hundred people have come to meet against the regional Parliament in a climate of demands to the Government of Spain, where they have cried out that "the Sahara is not sold," Morocco has blamed and demanded a solution for their people to have the right toSelf -determination."Due to the Moroccan invasion, we have been in exile for more than 45 years and we want the world, especially Spain, which is a state that has been part of the problem, has to be part of the solution," said the delegate of thePolisario Front in Castilla y León, Mohamed Labat Mustafa.He pointed out the "blackmail" of the Moroccan government with the Spanish in recent weeks, has warned that it will continue "that is the color" of the government, and has warned that Morocco will continue to serve "terrorism and pateras" to press in Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands.

21:00 Designados los 18 finalistas que optan a los galardones de la sexta edición de los Premios Surcos

The jury of the sixth edition of the Surcos Awards selected the 18 finalists, three by category.The winners will be announced on July 1 at an event held at the Istcar Auditorium Theater (Valladolid).This edition has had 120 candidacies.The special prize, designated by CyLTV, is for provacuno, interprofessional organization of beef

The finalists for the best agricultural exploitation are Vallenut nuts, Villagarcía de Campos (Valladolid), Santiago Domínguez, Nueva Villa de las Altas Torres (Valladolid) and Hermanos García Navarro, Villabuena del Puente (Zamora).For the best livestock exploitation, Brothers Jiménez, Blacha (Ávila), Livestock Vituron, Candeleda (Ávila) and Livestock Hermanos Puebla, Villaproviano (Palencia) compete (Palencia).

As for the finalists character Surcos, are Manuela Vidal Gallego, Aspariegos (Zamora), Julián Jesús Díaz Carrero, Tornadizos de Arévalo (Ávila) and Hermogenes Terradillos, Campo de Peñaranda (Salamanca).To the Grooves to Innovation Award, the agronomic and crops of Acor, EITHERlmedo (Valladolid), Go Ecopionet, Salamanca and Cobadu and cheeses El Gran Cardenal, Zamora and Medina del Campo (Valladolid) (Valladolid) (Valladolid).

The young Surcos Miriam Delgado, Villaquirán de la Puebla (Burgos), José María García, Cipérez (Salamanca) and Arturo Llorente, Arévalo (Ávila) aspire.For the award for the best agroganadera SME, they compete Natursnacks, Pedrajas de San Esteban (Valladolid), Tarsa Potatoes, Pinarnegrillo (Segovia) and Tiera de Lavender, Tieradra (Valladolid).

20:30 La Asociación de Empresarios Segovianos en el Exterior dona 2.000 euros al Banco de Alimentos y Cáritas de Segovia

The Association of Segovian Entrepreneurs abroad (AESE), a collective constituted in December 2011 and integrated into the Segovian Business Federation, which groups entrepreneurs and managers born in the province who currently develop their activity outside it, has made two solidarity donations, which add 2.000 euros for the Food Bank of Segovia and Cáritas Segovia.

With these contributions, AESE wants to recognize the work they have developed and that continue to develop both organizations, especially in this context of Pandemia that has aggravated the situation of so many Segovian families.As well as, "contribute our grain of sand so that they can continue with that support work that we have so much to thank and applaud," said its president, Fernando Tomé,

20:15 Igea toma nota en Finlandia de las aplicaciones del futuro 6G para repoblar Castilla y León

Vice President Francisco Icea is in Finland together with the Secretary General José Miguel García and other representatives of the communities of Aragon, Castilla-La Mancha and Balearic Islands, a series of institutional visits scheduled by the Secretary of State for the European Union with theEITHERbjective of knowing projects of interest linked to demographic challenge.

During this Monday, the also spokesman for the Board has met with the Minister of European Affairs and the mayor of EITHERulu, as national and local authorities, and has visited the University of EITHERulu, a Finnish University Center is an international reference in technological innovationand its application because it leads the project called 6g Flagship, which is organized in four interrelated strategic research areas in which scientific advances are sought in the development of fundamental technological components for 6g systems.

19:45 Casi seis de cada diez castellanos y leoneses cuentan ya con una dosis de vacuna la frente a la CEITHERVID y un 37,6% tiene la pauta completa

Almost six out of ten Castilians and Leon of vaccinating already has a dose of the vaccine against the Covid, specifically 58.1 percent (five points more than the national average), while a 37.6 already hasThe complete pattern (compared to 31.9 of the set of autonomies).This means that more than 1.2 million inhabitants of the community have already received at least the first of the injections, out of a total of 2.09 million called to vaccinate.These percentages also translate that of that total, 787.526 already have both inoculations, according to the data of the Ministry of Health.

If they are attended to those over 50, the report determines Monday that 93 percent of this group has already inoculated a dose of vaccine against CEITHERVID, just over 1.1 million people;And 59.8 percent already has the full pattern, that is, 698.522 Castellanos and Leon.

19:30 Auvasa cifra el seguimiento global de los paros convocados en un 41,27%, que asciende al 89% entre el colectivo de conductores

Auvasa today encrypted the global monitoring of the strikes convened by the Company Committee at 41.27 percent between workshops, administration, services and driving, although it amounts to an important 89 percent if only the Chóferes collective is counted.EITHERf the 63 workers who had assigned service and had not been appointed as minimum services, only 26 have seconded the strikes, the company reported in a statement.

The different lines have not suffered a delay greater than three and ten minutes compared to any day, depending on the line, although there have been some expeditions of line 3, 6 and C1, between 13.38 and 14.09 hours, where no more travelers have been collected for having exceeded the aforements established by the Junta de Castilla y León.

19:20 El Museo Etnográfico de Castilla y León acoge la exposición ‘Alma Tierra: un viaje a la España interior’

The Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León hosts from tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15, until August 22, the exhibition 'Alma Earth: a trip to the interior Spain', which shows a selection of photographs by José Manuel Navia, which make upThe book of the same title co -edited by anomalous editions and Spanish cultural action. The Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León hosts from tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15, until August 22, the exhibition 'Alma Earth: a trip to the interior Spain', which shows a selection of photographs by José Manuel Navia, which make upThe book of the same title co -edited by anomalous editions and Spanish cultural action.

19:00 León acogerá en noviembre el Congreso de Urgencias y Emergencias de Castilla y León

The territorial delegate, Juan Martínez Majo, has received this Monday the presidents of the EITHERrganizing and Scientific Committee of the XXV Congress of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine and Emergencies of Castilla y León (Semecyl), Gregorio Fernández and Saúl Escudero, on the occasion of theMeeting that will be held at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of León on November 11 and 12.This Biennial Forum will have 250 registered participants, 90 speakers, one hundred sponsors and more than 50 activities, as reported in a press release the Territorial Delegation of the Board in León.The Congress will have a more theoretical part with a series of workshops on the update of cardiovascular pathologies, oncological emergencies, emergency geriatrics or wounds by toro horn.And it will also have a more practical part with a drill of a terrorist attack and an accident with multiple victims in which the Army, the Fire Department, the National Police, the Local Police, the Civil Guard of Traffic and professionals ofHealth emergencies.

18:45 Más de 79 millones de euros para mejorar el empleo juvenil y facilitar la inserción laboral de los jóvenes de Castilla y León

The Junta de Castilla y León will allocate this year, within the Employment Plan of Castilla y León, 79.4 million euros to develop active employment policies that promote labor insertion and improve the quality of the employment of the young people of the community,since "it is very important" to have approved these lines and programs in the Council of Social Dialogue, which are framed within the 293 million euros that are implemented in active employment policies.

18:20 El vallisoletano Ismael Gozalo, ganador del I Concurso de Fotografía de Pinchos y Tapas de Castilla y León

The Valladolid Ismael Gozalo has raised as the winner of the I Picture and Tapas Photography Contest of Castilla y León, which has had the participation of more images arriving from various points of the community with a common reason, photographing a lidor a skewer, along with a wine from the D.EITHER.Wheel, main sponsor of this contest.The winning photography photographs in a harmonious way the image of wine and lid, with a very well achieved technique.

18:00 La protesta en Colón según el PSEITHERE: un “fracaso” que muestra la “división” de la derecha

As expected, the socialists of Castilla y León have removed iron from the massive demonstration that occurred this Sunday in Madrid's Plaza de Colón against the pardons to the prisonState that perpetrated in October 2017, and to ask the Government of Spain to turn back.

De hecho, el resumen que hacen los del puño y la rosa de esta protesta es que fue un fracaso que lo único que ha puesto de manifiesto es la división existente entre los tres partidos que el PSEITHERE sitúa a la derecha del espectro político (PP, Cs y Vox), en referencia a que no hubo de todos ellos ya que acudieron por separado a la misma. “Fue un auténtico fracaso”, decía el secretario regional del PSEITHERE, Luis Tudanca, quien echaba en cara también a los presentes en Colón que tampoco hayan respetado a la Monarquía, en relación a las palabras de la presidenta madrileña, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, por involucrar a Felipe VI en los indultos.

Más contundente se mostraba incluso la secretaria de EITHERrganización del PSEITHERE, Ana Sánchez, quien calificaba de “lamentables” las declaraciones de Ayuso por preguntar si Sánchez va a hacer cómplice al Rey de estos indultos con su firma, y reprochaba a populares, “naranjas” y Vox el “manoseo” que hacen de la bandera nacional.

17:45 El PSEITHERE pide declarar BIC la ermita rupestre de San Vicente en Palencia

Las noticias de última hora de Castilla y León: Lunes 14 de junio

El PSEITHERE pedirá a la Junta de Castilla y León que el conjunto rupestre de la iglesia de San Vicente de Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia) sea declarado Bien de Interés Cultural, un eremitorio excavado en una roca que no cuenta con ningún tipo de protección.The socialist attorneys by Palencia Guerrero, Consolation Pablos and Rubén Illera will defend this request in the Culture Commission that will be held tomorrow in the Cortes and will ask for recognition as BIC of the hermitage that currently does not have any type of protection, althoughIn 2014 an intervention of 65 became necessary.000 euros to erase the graffiti and condition their environments. Según ha recordado el PSEITHERE en un comunicado, la popularmente conocida como “Cueva de los moros o la Cueva de San Vicente” es un eremitorio rupestre, muy próximo a Cervera de Pisuerga, que fue utilizado como iglesia hasta mediados del siglo XIX, y que forma parte del importante conjunto rupestre que comparten la Montaña Palentina y el sur de Cantabria. Los socialistas han explicado que desde 2012 el PSEITHERE lleva reclamando la protección de este monumento que ha sufrido importantes actos vandálicos, como pintadas y grafiti, y cuyo abandono supuso que las tumbas antropomorfas allí existentes se convirtieran en basureros con todo tipo de desperdicios.

17:30Y en Salamanca, el jueves a los nacidos en 1973 y 1974

La Junta de Castilla y León llevará a cabo el próximo jueves, 17 de junio, la vacunación contra el CEITHERVID-19 de la población nacida en los años 1973 y 1974, es decir, que tenga 47 y 48 años.The call concerns people registered in the Salamanca capital and in the basic areas of peri -urban health, periurban south, Santa Marta de Tormes, Ledesma, Calzada de Valdunciel, Pedrosillo el Ralo, Matilla de los Caños and Alba de Tormes, and inoculationSánchez Paraíso de Salamanca will take place at Multiusos Sánchez.

The call begins at 9.00 hours and until 13.00 will be vaccinated to those born in 1973, that is, they have 48 years.From that time the serum will be inoculated to those born in 1974, thus starting with those of 47 years.

17:15 Turno para los nacidos en 1976 en Valladolid

June 29 and 30 is the turn in Valladolid of Vaccination against COVID for those born in 1976, according to the collective call called Monday by the delegation of the Board.Today and tomorrow the Miguel Delibes will be vaccinated to those born in 1970 and 1971, and from June 17 to 23 to those born between 1972 and 1975.In Medina del Campo, those born between 1971 and 1976 will be vaccinated from June 16 and 18, in Peñafiel on June 23 to the group between 1972 and 1981;And the next day in Medina de Rioseco to that same age group.

17:00 El TSJCyL confirma la sentencia de dos años de cárcel para un hombre por abuso sexual a una menor de 17 años

The Superior Court of Justice of Castilla y León confirms the sentence of two years in prison, issued by the Hearing of Segovia, against a man as the author responsible for a crime of sexual abuse to a child under 17, as well as the prohibition of approximationFor five years less than 500 meters, both from his person and his home or workplace, as well as the communication prohibition for the same period;payment of costs and compensate the injured with the amount of 3.000 euros.The TSJCyL car distributes in full the appeal resources filed by the defense of the convicted and the private accusation when confirming “the sentence appealed in its own terms, declaring ex officio the coasts”.

16:45 Castilla y León recibirá también 6.600 vacunas de Janssen

Finally, Castilla y León will receive 6.600 doses of the Jansen vaccine, although in principle no planned.Thus, the community will have 164 this week.080 vacunas frente a la CEITHERVID-19, el vigesimoquinto envío consignado por el Ministerio de Sanidad, entre las que hay 121.680 dose of Pfizer-Bionntech, 15.600 modern and 20.200 unidades de AstraZeneca-Universidad de EITHERxford.

16:00 Santa María del Páramo (León) reclama a la Gerencia de Atención Primaria que mantenga la vacunación masiva

The City Council of Santa María del Páramo (León) today sent a letter to the Primary Care Management to maintain mass vaccination until its completion at the facilities of the Municipal Pavilion, given the possibility of its withdrawal from next July 1Due to the shortage of personnel to give vacation.

For the Consistory, it is "discrimination", as well as a matter of "very little sensitivity to the rural world" in the face of the summer, when they assured, the number of cards is doubled.They also regretted that "no forecast has been taken into account, knowing that they had to give vacations to doctors and nurses and leaving without an important service at this time such as vaccination".

15:30 Ribera del Duero dará a conocer la calificación de la añada 2020 el 21 de junio

El Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de EITHERrigen Ribera del Duero dará a conocer la calificación de los vinos elaborados con la uva recogida en 2020 el próximo lunes, 21 de junio, en un acto que podrá seguirse de forma telemática y en el que se garantiza el cumplimiento del protocolo contra la covid.Nine reference personalities of the wine sector will be protagonists of the qualification of the vintage by assuming the responsibility of carrying out the tasting prior to it, the riparian regulatory council itself has reported through a press release.They are sommeliers responsible for the selection of wines in restaurants with Michelin stars, prescribers and opinion leaders of the national wine panorama.The exceptional tasting committee will be made up of Andrés Rodríguez, sommelier of Cenador de Amos (three Michelin stars), Paula Menéndez, sommelier of Noor (two Michelin stars), Virginia García, sommelier in Luz Cocina y Alma (a Michelin star) and DiegoEchegaray, Sauniv's sommelier.

15:00 Soria alcanza el 40% de población inmunizada contra el CEITHERVID-19 por la vacuna

La provincia de Soria alcanzó el 40 por ciento de su población inmunizada contra el CEITHERVID-19 gracias a la inoculación de la pauta completa de la vacuna frente al virus, puesto que 36.032 people already received both doses while 47.830 Sorianos were already inoculated with a dose.adding a total of 81.643 sera administered in the province.

The vaccination coverage thus reaches 53 percent of the Sorian population with the first dose compared to 51 percent of the rest of the community, while 40 percent of immunized exceeds by seven points the total number of people who received the two dosesIn Castilla y León.If the coverage is reduced to people over 16 years of age or vaccination population, in Soria, the number of citizens who received a dose and 46 percent amounted to 61 percent, those who obtained the complete pattern, the territorial delegation of theBoard in Soria.

14:30 En cuarentena un aula de la Escuela de Educación Infantil Apeninos de Guardo (Palencia)

The Board today put a classroom in the province of Palencia for cases of coronavirus detected among the members of the educational community.The measure affects a group of the School of Childhood Education Apenino de Guarado.Protocols recommend putting quarantine the entire class when it comes to stable coexistence groups.The Board reminded the parents of children who are pending PCR results that do not take them to their educational center until the quarantine period ends.

14:15 Aprobado por más de 3,8 millones el pliego de condiciones para la compra de solares destinados a la construcción de viviendas publicas en Palencia

The Palencia City Council approved the specifications for the acquisition of lots, worth 3.96 million euros, bound for the construction of public protection housing, in order to comply with the judgment of the contentious room Administrative of the Court of Justice of Castilla y León dating from June 10, 2010, relating to the “irregular sale” of municipal lots for building free housing that made the government team of the former socialist mayor, Heliodoro Gallego, in sector 8 From the capital.

14:00 León acoge en noviembre el XXV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias autonómica

The Palace of Exhibitions of the Leon capital will host on November 11 and 12 the XXV Congress of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine and Emergencies of Castilla y León (Semecyl), whose organizing committee visited the territorial delegate of the Board today, JuanMartínez Majo.The appointment, of a biannual nature, will have 250 registered partners, 90 speakers, a hundred sponsors and more than 50 activities that will take place throughout those days in the city of León.The Congress will have a more theoretical part with a series of workshops on the update of cardiovascular pathologies, oncological emergencies, emergency geriatrics or wounds by toro horn.

13:45 El festival internacional sobre el cine del vino Most premia al investigador leonés Pablo Alonso González

The feature film "Survey Veritas: Galicia del Terroir al Natural" directed by the Astorgano Pablo Alonso González, has raised the Best Documentary Award in MOST, the International Wine Film Festival held on the Penedés and awarded “Ex Aequo” withThe French work "Lâme du vin"."Veritas Envino: Galicia del Terroir al Natural" is the third part of a trilogy about wine in Galician lands.It tells the emergence of the movement of biodynamic and natural wines in the historical regions of Ribeiro and Valdeorras.It is structured through interviews with producers and experts that deepen the hottest debates about wine and the use of synthesis chemicals added in both vineyards and cellar.

13:30 La Policía Local de Ponferrada sanciona a 25 personas durante el fin de semana por no llevar mascarilla

The Municipal Police of Ponferrad.In addition, agents attended five complaints for consuming alcohol on public roads.Regarding traffic, the weekend resulted in seven accidents in the municipality, of which only one had injuries.On the other hand, 26 traffic complaints were made, eleven crane services and four complaints were filed for breathalyzer.

13:22 El alcalde de Zamora ve informes de Patrimonio “contradictorios y esperpénticos”

The mayor of Zamora, Francisco Guarido (IU), has criticized the “totally contradictory and sperm decisions” adopted by the technical presentation of the Territorial Heritage Commission of Zamora in relation to projects promoted for years by the Zamorano Consistory.Dirido has lamented the “excess zeal in some requirements” sent by heritage to the City Council on projects such as the new Lobo Baltasar Museum, the change of pavement on the stone bridge or the rear building of the town hall that gives accessibilityTo the municipal offices.

13:10 El brasileño Yuri seguirá jugando hasta los 40 años en la SD Ponferradina

The Brazilian striker with European Passport Yuri de Souza has reached an agreement for renewal with the SD Ponferradina for the next two seasons, a contract that will culminate when there is already 40 years old, as reported by the Berciana entity.In this way, the player will continue to exercise as a sportsman.

13:00 El PP ruega a Daniel de la Rosa que traslade al presidente del Gobierno su rechazo a los indultos

The spokeswoman of the Popular Municipal Group of the City of Burgos, Carolina Blasco, today registered a letter addressed to the mayor, Daniel de la Rosa, to transfer the concern of the training for the "chaotic" situation that is lived these days in Spain as a result of the consequence of the"Employment" of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to pardon those who "put the rule of law in check and threaten to do it again".In this context, Blasco highlighted the importance of supporting the constitution and legal system as "guarantors of integrity and unity" and condemned that Sánchez intends to appropriate them under a "false discourse of Concordia".In this regard, he recalled that the constitutional framework has allowed Spain to more than four decades of progress and that “it is time to boost the country's economic development, instead of generating debates that only seek that Sánchez remains in power without measuringThe future consequences of your decisions ".

12:50 La primera fase del Programa 2021 de ayuda alimentaria reparte en Burgos más de 106 toneladas de alimentos

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA), carries out the first phase of the 2021 Food Aid program to the most disadvantaged people, with the free distribution of 106.629,920 kilos of food in the province.This performance will be a cost of 75.837.10 euros, which will be financed with European funds through FEAD (European Aid Fund for disadvantaged people).In a visit to the Food Bank of Burgos the subdelegate of the Government, Pedro de la Fuente, held an encounter with the vice president of Banco de Food Burgos, Miguel Ángel López Santaolalla, and the president of the Red Cross in Burgos, Arturo Almansa.De la Fuente stressed that “this initiative becomes more important in a context of pandemic and social emergency since it allows to offer direct aid to more than 6.000 people in the province ".

12:40 El colegio Santa María la Real de Huelgas celebra el VII Centenario de la muerte de la reina María de Molina, fundadora del monasterio

Santa María la Real de strikes school is celebrating this year the VII Centenary of the death of Queen María de Molina, founder of her monastery.On June 22, the centenary closing ceremony in the Church of the Monastery will take place.The Minister of Education, Rocío Lucas;The mayor of the city, Óscar Puente, and the regional secretary of Catholic Schools, Leandro Roldán together with other educational and ecclesiastical authorities.

12:30 Adjudicada por más de 46.000 euros la obra de rehabilitación de una vivienda para alquiler social en Baltanás (Palencia) dentro del programa Rehabitare

The Junta de Castilla y León, through the Ministry of Development and Environment, has awarded, for more than 46.000 euros, the rehabilitation works of a single -family house for social rent in the Palencia town of Baltanás, within the Rehabitare program, to the company Construcciones Serafín Álvarez, S.L.With an execution period of four months.The property, located on San Pedro Street, is unoccupied and with the totality of obsolete facilities and finishes, as it is a home over 65 years.This lacks thermal insulation, presenting humidity in different vertical walls, condensations and humidity, and heating installation.In addition, the finishes of floor and talled have a poor state since they are originally from the construction date of the property, in 1950, as well as the interior carpentry, which are old, they do not adjust and in some cases they lack mechanisms of mechanismsclosure and safety.

12:22 La cuarta fase del Plan de Inserción Laboral para víctimas de violencia machista de Valladolid se cierra con 141 participantes

The Municipal Center for Equality of the City of Valladolid hosted the closing day of the fourth phase of the Labor Insertion Plan for people at risk of social exclusion due to gender causes and victims of sexist violence, with 141 participants. La concejala de Educación, Infancia, Juventud e Igualdad, Maria Victoria Soto EITHERlmedo, entregó los diplomas a las participantes.The data of the results of this plan in its different editions speak for themselves.In 2018, 66 people were attended, in 2019 to 91, and in this latest edition that was closed today 141.People who have actively participated in the different itineraries have also been increasing, from 44 in 2018 to 61 in 2021 and finally labor insertions, primary objective of this project, have also been positively evolving: ten in 2018, 26 in 2019And the same number in this latest edition with the prospects of increasing since they have just finished training.

12:15 Palencia acogerá el Campeonato de España de Boxeo Élite con la participación de púgiles de talla olímpica

Palencia will host, between June 28 and July 3, the Spanish Elite Boxing Championship and will bring together the best fighters in the country, in the hands of about 250 people, including boxers, technicians, referees and members of the organization.A sporting event that returns to the Municipal Sports Pavilion of Palencia after the President and Iberdrola glasses last year had to play behind closed doors, said Sports Councilor, Víctor Torres.For this reason, "as well as to respond to the lawsuit that exists on the palentines fond of this discipline," Torres explained, the Department of Sports has opted strong to gain the confidence of the Spanish Boxing Federation. Esta cita permitirá que los que acudan al pabellón disfruten de algunos de los deportistas que, a fecha de hoy, formarán parte de la delegación española que acuda a los próximos Juegos EITHERlímpicos de Tokio, tales como Gabriel Escobar, José Quiles, Gazi Jalidov y Enmanuel Reyes Pla.

12:10 La EITHERficina Móvil de Atención al Peregrino recorrerá hasta el 31 de agosto el itinerario del Camino de Santiago a su paso por León

La EITHERficina Móvil de Atención al Peregrino en el Camino de Santiago puesta en marcha por la Comandancia de la Guardia Civil de León recorrerá desde este lunes hasta el próximo 31 de agosto principalmente los municipios de Hospital de Órbigo y Villafranca del Bierzo, así como los distintos tramos por los que discurre el Camino Francés en la demarcación territorial de la Comandancia de León, con el objetivo de potenciar la seguridad en el Camino.An itinerant office that, according to the government's sub -delegate in León, Faustino Sánchez, aims to provide pilgrims “closer, faster and more visible attention”, for which “it is served by two civil guards and will countWith the immediate support of other patrols ”, so that it will facilitate the presentation of 'in situ' complaints in case it is necessary, in addition to offering information of interest through QR codes that redirect to the Civil Guard website withTips related to safety and environment.

12:00 La nueva comisaría de la Policía Nacional de Soria estará lista en 2023 tras una inversión de 7,5 millones

The work to build the new police station of the National Police of Soria will have an investment of 7.5 million and an execution period of 15 months.The Government Subdelegate in Soria, Miguel Latorre, advanced today that "if they do not arise, police officers will already be using the new facilities in 2023".The Executive spokesman said that the project to provide a new headquarters to the National Police is a government commitment, which was blocked, and advanced that the works will begin next year.Latorre stressed that the new police station replaces the current facilities located in the center of the city of Soria that have become obsolete and without the necessary operability, habitability and security conditions.

11:50 Cocemfecyl celebra el V Encuentro Nacional de Cuidadores el próximo 18 de junio

La Confederación de Personas con Discapacidad Física y EITHERrgánica de Castilla y León (Cocemfecyl), organiza el V Encuentro Nacional de Cuidadores familiares y profesionales para trabajadores sociales, terapeutas ocupacionales, fisioterapeutas, logopedas, psicólogos, profesionales sociosanitarios y cuidadores familiares.Under the generic title of "Change the rhythm of your life", Congress will be held on June 18 from 9.30 hours and will be broadcast via streaming.All people interested in participating can get more information on the www website.Cocemficel.is and on the phone 620381030.

11:40 El número de médicos colegiados crece un 2,5% en 2020 en Castilla y León hasta los 15.500

El número de médicos colegiados creció un 2,5 por ciento durante 2020, el año de la pandemia del CEITHERVID, en Castilla y León hasta alcanzar los 15.500.This increase was lower than that registered in the country as a whole, where the increase stood at 3.1 percent, which allowed 276 to be counted.191, as reflected in the data published today by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).The number of collegiate doctors increased in all autonomous communities in 2020.The greatest increases occurred in the Autonomous City of Ceuta (5.4 percent), Canary Islands (4.2 percent) and Region of Murcia (four percent) and minors in the Autonomous City of Melilla and La Rioja (1, 9 percent in both) and Aragon (2.1 percent).

11:30 La berciana Luna Aime Anel, ganadora de la 60 edición del Concurso de Relato Corto de Coca-Cola en Castilla y León

The young moon Aime Anel, of the IES Padre Sarmiento de Villafranca del Bierzo (León), rose with the triumph in the 60 edition of the short-sized Coca-Cola story contest in Castilla y León, according to the ruling of the regional jury, composed ofliterary critics, and that reward the best young stories counters in the country.In this edition, 943 young people have participated in the community in the written tests held on March 12 and 13 throughout the country.It has been an edition that has broken the historical record of participation of the contest, with 13.683 participants in Spain, the jury highlighted the high level of the stories created for the contest.The use of language, the construction of the point of view, the narrative structures, the author voices or the sense of rhythm have showed the high level of the stories and the talent of the young people.

11:22 El Ayuntamiento de Autilla del Pino (Palencia) pide colaboración a la Junta para instalar un mirador estelar

The City of Autilla del Pino (Palencia) requested the Board to install a stellar viewpoint in the landscape of fields of the municipality as committed to astronomical tourism, thus becoming a pioneer, within the province, in this type of sustainable tourism.The project also attends to economic progress to set population and face the demographic challenge, with the aim of turning the town into ‘Starlight Tourist Destination’ by enjoying excellent qualities for the contemplation of starry skies.In a meeting between the councilor of the municipality, María del Rosario Díez, and the territorial delegate of the Board in Palencia, José Antonio Rubio, it was stated that said location is protected from light pollution, so it is especially suitable for developing in themtourist activities based on that natural resource.

11:10 El Ayuntamiento de Ponferrada organiza talleres infantiles gratuitos para el verano

The Department of Social Welfare of the City Council of Ponferrad. Los talleres están dirigidos a los niños con edades comprendidas entre los cuatro y los 13 años y se desarrollarán en el Colegio Luis del EITHERlmo, el Colegio San Antonio y el Centro Cívico de Flores del Sil.The registration period for the courses will be open from next Monday, June 21, until Wednesday, June 23, and will be held at the Center El Plantío, in the premises six of the Bajoos of the El Toralín stadium andIn the Civic Center for Flores del Sil, depending on the location where children participate.

11:00 León acoge los días 19 y 20 de junio la mayor exposición itinerante de dinosaurios animatrónicos

The one considered as the largest itinerant exhibition of animatronic dinosaurs will visit León on Saturday, June 19, date on which this prehistoric exhibition will be inaugurated in the Exhibition Palace, where it will remain installed until Sunday.This itinerant sample that has traveled more than a dozen European countries (Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Norway, Poland or Romania, among others) will have about thirty unpublished pieces to real size, some of them animatronics, which will simulateThe appearance and behavior of dinosaurs.

10:40 Valladolid convoca un concurso de ideas para dar nueva vida al mobiliario en desuso

The Valladolid City Council summons a contest of ideas to give new life in disuse through the circular economy and turn them into elements of decorating municipal spaces.As reported by the Consistory in a statement, the objective of this activity is the selection of creative, innovative, circular design proposals, as well as executable, made from various elements (furniture, decoration and packaging objects) currently in disuse, withthe purpose of revaluing and giving a new life either for its original use or for another different from that with which they were originally designed, generating new value in the same.

10:22 Caja Rural de Salamanca se adhiere al Código de Buenas Prácticas

Caja Rural de Salamanca recorded this Friday its adhesion to the Code of Good Practices provided for in Royal Decree-Law 5/2001 of March 12 and approved by the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of May 11, 2021. Con ello la entidad aseguró que contribuye a reforzar la solvencia de las empresas y autónomos con domicilio social en España las cuales atraviesen un desequilibrio patrimonial temporal como consecuencia de la caída significativa de sus ingresos derivada de la pandemia CEITHERVID-19.

10:10 Javier Izquierdo se vacuna contra la Covid-19 y pone en valor la labor de los sanitarios

El delegado del Gobierno de Castilla y León, Javier Izquierdo (1970), se vacunó hoy contra el CEITHERVID-19 en el Centro Cultural Miguel Delibes de Valladolid al llegarle el turno por su edad.Izquierdo reported on his Twitter account of his vaccination and expressed his gratitude to the professionals of Sacyl and the Ministry of Health for “his enormous work in the greatest vaccination process” in history."Today my turn arrived.It is a pride to have a national public, universal and free health system, ”added Javier Izquierdo who accompanied his message with two upst and.

9:10The club Deportivo Salvamento Dragones, campeón del XII Trofeo de Zamora de Salvamento y Socorrismo

The Dragones Salvation Sports Club was proclaimed undisputed champion, with 802 points, of the twelfth edition of the Trophy City of Zamora of Salvage and Socorism, which was held this Sunday on the beach of Los Pelambres of the Zamora capital.The c.D. SEITHERS La Bañeza ocupó la segunda plaza, con 471 puntos, seguido con una diferencia de seis puntos por el C.D. Unión Esgueva SEITHERSVA, en una cita que reunió a 151 socorristas de seis clubes de Castilla y León.In the Alevín category, the lifeguard Guillermo Barazón Santiago (C.D.S.León) Trophy champion was won in the two tests of his category (Eslalon Costa and Carrera with Nipper);While Paula Casado Gallego (C.D. SEITHERS La Bañeza) se hizo con la victoria en eslalon costa y Carla Méndez Domínguez (C.D.S.Dragons) In Race with Nipper.

9:00 La modernización del regadío del Canal de Pisuerga Sector G (Palencia) debe someterse a la evaluación ambiental

The General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Evaluation, of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demograph, for "being able to cause significant adverse effects on the environment". Así lo recoge una resolución de 2 de junio de 2021 que publica hoy el Boletín EITHERficial del Estado (BEITHERE), tras la evaluación de impacto ambiental simplificada practicada.The project seeks to modernize infrastructure to increase system efficiency and replace current infrastructure designed for gravity irrigation for others that allow change to sprinkler irrigation.

8:45 Suprimidas cuatro entidades locales menores de Burgos y León por “carecer de población”

The Board, after deliberation of the Governing Council, agreed to suppress four minor local entities "lack population". Se trata de Hocina y Ahedo de Bureba (Burgos) y Los Montes de la Ermita y Urdiales de Colinas, según recoge hoy el Boletín EITHERficial de Castilla y León (Bocyl).The measure affects Hocina, belonging to the municipality of Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja and Ahedo de Bureba, of Galbarros, both in Burgos, and the mountains of the hermitage and Urdiales de Colinas, belonging to the municipality of Igüeña, of León.

8:00 Sigue el intenso calor en Castilla y León

Follow the intense heat in Castilla y León with temperatures that will exceed 30 degrees in many community provinces.

Resumen 13 de junio

La cifra de nuevos contagios por CEITHERVID-19 continúa en descenso en Castilla y León, que hoy anota 81 nuevos contagios, y vuele a situarse por debajo de la barrera de los 100, cifra que ya estrenó el pasado lunes, cuando fueron 65.These are 98 infections less than yesterday, when they rose to 179, and 30 less than a week ago, when the data was closed with 111 cases.With regard to the dead, today you have to regret two new deaths, in the hospitals of Segovia and Valladolid, which raises the number of deaths in hospitals throughout the pandemic to 5.773 people, according to the data collected by Ical from Fuentes of the Ministry of Health.A new scenario begins to draw in which active outbreaks are also reduced, today with 193, compared to 207 this Saturday, with 1.149 positive to them linked, and hospitals continue to register high, in this case only two more, in Ávila and Segovia.From infections noted today, 78 have a diagnosis of the previous day, and positive cases throughout the pandemic rise to 237.739, of which 230.939 were detected in active infection tests.The registered deaths keeps the hospitals of Valladolid at the head of finishes in this long year, with 1.174 losses.They are followed by León, with 1.154;Salamanca, 840;Burgos, 714;Palencia, 451;Zamora, 436;Segovia, 371;Ávila, 345;and Soria, 288.As for the new positive, Valladolid adds 30 of the 81 accounted for, the province with more cases, along with Burgos and León, with 16 and 15, respectively.Segovia only scored a contagion today, and Soria Dos, figures that had not registered days.Salamanca registered three cases;Palencia, four, and the provinces of Ávila and Zamora, five each.Of the 237.739 personas infectadas en la Comunidad por el CEITHERVID-19, la mayoría se concentran en las provincias de Valladolid, con 52.784, and León, with 41.362, followed by Burgos, with 36.9259.The next is Salamanca, with 32.5630;Then there is Palencia, with 19.581;Segovia, with 17.792;Zamora, with 13.743;ahead of Ávila, with 13.026 and Soria, with 9.963.As for the 193 active outbreaks, Valladolid and León total 44 and 39, with 279 and 209 linked cases, respectively.Third is Burgos, with infected 26 and 147;And Zamora follows them, with 20 and 110.In Salamanca there are 19, with 75;in Ávila, 16, with 130 cases;in Segovia, 14 with 94;in Palencia, nine, with 75;And in Soria, six, with 49.

La tasa de incidencia acumulada de casos diagnosticados de CEITHERVID-19 en Castilla y León sumó hoy su décima jornada consecutiva de bajadas, al anotar 102,8 casos por cada 10.000 inhabitants at 14 days, data somewhat lower than yesterday, when it closed with 104.72, but almost about 19 points less than a week ago, when the figure was 121.67 cases.These values were not reached in the community since the end of March, and the trend seems to be maintained, with two provinces that are at yellow, low risk, since yesterday, in the case of Soria, with with 48.38 cases, andSince Friday, in Salamanca, with 40.4, according to the data consulted by Ical and published by the Ministry of Health.The rest of the provinces are at medium risk, with Valladolid with the highest rate, 142.32 cases, followed by Burgos, with 116.87, in both cases with a downward trend.Ávila is in 113.53, in yesterday's tonic;León stands at 101.44, also very similar;Like Palencia who has managed to get off the 100 cases, with 99.8, and Segovia, who already did this Saturday, and today notes 94,48.Zamora is 105.52.Regarding the incidence accumulated to seven days, the trend is down, with 43.59 cases notified, similar to 44.97 cases of yesterday, but well below 57.87 a week ago a week ago.Again Salamanca continues, with 13.97 cases, in yellow, like Soria, with 20.25.In the rest the risk level is medium, but with values in decrease.Valladolid presents the highest data with 61.21 Asos, followed by Burgos (53,12), Ávila (45.03), Zamora (43,59), Segovia (41.05) and León (42).Palencia reduces the data to 38.05 cases.