02 07
The nation / of mirrors and broken hugs

Roa was convinced that national reconciliation was a possible path. Deleting the artificial barriers raised by politics, dividing citizens, was a conquered utopia. He had inspired what he called his "essential conviction": only man dies (or tyrannosaurus), but the people reborn many times. To order and channel the dispersed and anarchic energies made their call to the Church, the Armed Forces, the political parties, constitutional powers, intermediate, social, cultural, union, workers, workers, peasant, indigenous and student, and especially the “thought independent legal. ” This democratic transition process - added in February 1986, since its exile in France - is unthinkable without the unified participation of the party currently in power (Colorado) and the opposition parties reunited in their structures and base electors. In his "open letter to the Paraguayan people" he warned, as a tragic omen that, without a national concord project, would only be achieved "to rebuild the scheme of fractions of fractions to lead to a dead end" (of the book "Augusto Roa Bastos: Authoritarianism, culture and democracy ”of the undersigned).

But the concord was not the key that opened the doors towards the democratic transition, but the tronar of the cannons.There was no act of "resignation and transfer of powers to a provisional government of national concentration."But our supreme writer was necessary in his radiography of a system that crumbled inside irreversibly.And, also, accurate in their prediction that the military - at least one part - would not take the support of him to the end of his "to the already lost cause of the autocrat."The noise of the sabers of February 2 and 3, 1989, although something absurd sounds, multiplied the dispersed and repressed democratic forces during the dictatorship.It was natural that it happened.The Colorado party met, for a brief period, and the opposition was divided into how many parts could.Roa's dream had stuck in his announced, how inexorable, dead end.

As a set of islands grouped on a certain surface - more precisely an archipelago - defined the acute analyst and writer Alfredo Boccia, once a student leader Constitute at the Faculty of Medicine and former militant of the Authentic Radical Liberal Party, although in the last Years was ideologically more related to the Guasu Front. Another liberal activist, Carlos Mateo Balmelli - also in his triple role as an analyst, author and politician - described the opposition with another metaphor: "It is a kind of broken mirror where no one can recognize." In both cases, archipelago and broken glass, the distance is the only element in common, where each one looks towards himself and none towards others. There is, therefore, recognition of the other. In that environment of joint stiffness that immobilizes, the opposition must be exercised in the necessary muscle elasticity that allows it to reach an alliance or conscretation looking at the 2023 elections.

La Nación / De espejos y abrazos rotos

Unlike what many argue, the Republican hug is not a tradition within the Colorado Party. That gesture of unity did not occur in 1993 or in 2008. In 1998 a forced pair was armed after the inmates of September 1997. Argañistas and Oviedistas cohabited without directing the word. If the elections were this Sunday, that "hug" is impossible. And if it came to be completed it would be a mounted photo that no one or very few would buy. Although many politicians, of all parties, remain stuck in the past, without lucidity to decipher the codes of these times, the people are recovering the healthy exercise of memory. Located in the present, the Republican Force project, sponsored by President Mario Abdo Benítez, has structured its strategy on three exclusive axes: a) Colorada authenticity; b) Autonomous leadership, and c) Defense of Republican institutions. Here we do not reflect on interpretive speculations. We limit ourselves to textually transcribing expressions of both the head of state and the (pre) candidate and vice president of the Republic, Hugo Velázquez, and of the entire first line of that new movement. Therefore, from their own manifestations they have in front of the simple method of discard, to someone who does not represent the "purity", without autonomy and unreliable for democracy. There is no possible spaces for the Republican hug.

According to Mario Abdo, he will defeat the power of money again ”; Hugo Velázquez has no "patterns." And the private secretary of the Presidency of the Republic - a leader of the president - assures that an "economic project that seeks to subordinate the institutions and alter the democratic order" will be imposed. Whatever the result of December 18 of this year it will be difficult to swallow these vomiting. We do not know if the scope of this campaign was premeditated - because once sometimes it escapes the power of its creators -, it is obvious that it has two stops: the first is set for the colored internal ones and displays the axis of the " Root authenticity ”and the second points further, in case the ruling party had an adverse verdict: the candidate of coloradism would not have autonomy in the exercise of the Presidency of the Republic and, worse still, would represent the claims of“ altering the democratic order ”. The opposition only requires an agreement. It already has the speech served. We are facing a future of mirrors and broken hugs. The national reconciliation project, not necessarily unity, as a certain path to build, from the place that touches us, a real democracy is increasing. Bon Appetite.