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This is what the body smell and bad breath of your health says, it is not bad hygiene!

The bad smell of some part of our body can be uncomfortable and, although it is usually the result of the combination between bacteria and sweat or poor hygiene, it is not always like that.This is what the body smell and bad breath of your health says, it is not bad hygiene!

I dare to say that no one has saved from that embarrassing moment in which it detects a peculiar unpleasant smell from their armpits or feet.This is especially common during adolescence, when hormones make their own.

However, sometimes it goes beyond what we can control with our hygiene and good habits.Maybe it is not even totally unpleasant, but peculiar, which might want to tell us some of our health.

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What causes bad body smell?

Exercise, be exposed to high temperatures, even being nervous or anxious, can lead to body smell.The reason is that these situations make us sweat, which is combined with the bacteria present in certain areas of the body, cause that characteristic and not so pleasant smell.

May Clinic specialists explain that there are 2 types of sweat glands: Ecrines and apocrine.The former are found in most of the body and help cool it when body temperature increases.

While the apocrine are found in the areas with hair, such as armpits and groin, releasing a milky liquid when stressed, which, when combined with bacteria, loses its toilet property and produces what we usually call a bad smell or smell of sweat.

According to the MSD manual, excessive body smell or bromhydrosis, appears mainly due to lack of hygiene, both body and our garments.However, some foods, such as garlic, onion, curry, even alcohol and certain medications, can cause it.Similarly, you are more vulnerable, the more Sudes.

Hence the main recommendation to treat it, be good hygiene, even bathe 2 times a day, to eliminate bacteria and fungi that cause bad smell, as well as wash your clothes frequently.

Another cause of discomfort is bad breath, which usually has as the first cause certain foods or habits, such as smoking or poor oral hygiene, which usually improves when washing your teeth regularly and using dental thread, however, not It is always so.

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When your bad breath or body smell is not solved with basic measures, it could be a sign of a health problem that is necessary to treat root, not only to eliminate the smell, but to prevent complications.

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6 health problems that cause bad body smell and bad breath

Infections, ulcers, even diabetes, can be behind the changes in our body or breath, all necessary to treat.

Non -controlled diabetes

If your breath or breathing smells like fruit or rotten apple, the National Institute of Health of the United States, explain that it could be a sign of diabetes that is not under control.

En ese sentido, un estudio publicado en el Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, explica que su relación sería con una diabetes insulodependiente desequilibrada, lo cual conduce a una acumulación de cetonas, creadas por el hígado para compensar la falta de insulina.

If your partner or family has pointed out something about this smell from your mouth, it is time to consult your doctor, either to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes or review your treatment, in case of having a previous diagnosis.

Ulcers and reflux

Helicobacter pylori bacteria is one of those responsible for stomach ulcers, which can cause poor breath, especially when combined with prevotella intermediate periodontal bacteria.

This is stated by the Professor of Clinical Dentistry James Burke Fine, on the Colgate site, where he also explains that another possible cause of bad breath is gastroesophageal reflux disease, characterized by a sensation of ardor or acidity in the chest and food regurgitation.

Incidentally, the acid that returns from the stomach to the esophagus, can weaken oral and throat structures, giving rise to the growth of bacteria.The good news is that, for both conditions there is a treatment, consult your doctor if you present discomforts such as ardor, chest pain, inflammation, belching or nausea.

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Fish smell syndrome

Known medically as trimethylaminuria, it is a metabolic disease caused by the inability of the body to decompose some compounds that contain nitrogen, such as trimethylamine, which gives rise to a peculiar smell of fish.

According to the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center in the United States, the tirmethilamine occurs in the intestine when digestthrough sweat, urine, reproductive fluids and breathing.

It is believed that this condition is more common in women, due to hormonal levels, the good news is that it does not affect your health in general.If you have detected this smell, go to your doctor, although there is no cure, it is possible to control it by reducing the amount of trimethylamine in the body.

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Chronic renal failure or liver failure

According to NIH, renal insufficiency can lead to an breath with a smell of ammonia or urine, while severe liver disease causes it to smell like mold, garlic and rotten eggs.

An article published in the magazine Advances in OdontoSomatology, explains that when in chronic renal failure there is uric acid elevation, pulmonary exhalation of compounds such as dimethylamine and trimethylamine, causes a smell of rotten or urine fish.

In the CAO of patient with cirrhosis or severe liver failure, body and respiratory elimination of short chain aliphatic acids and sulfur compounds, it can lead to a characteristic smell.

Bad nasal or ear

From a foreign body in the nose, very common in young children, to polyps, postnasal drip and bronchopulmonary diseases, lung abscesses and other conditions, they can lead to a bad smell in the nose.

If you notice a foul or unpleasant smell that does not come from your child's mouth, go to the doctor to verify that there is no stuck object or other medical condition.

In case of coming from the ears, it can also be due to a foreign object, but more frequently to an infection, either of the ear or a sebaceous cyst that broke, according to specialists.

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Bad vaginal smell

Although the vaginal smell is usually stigmatized, the reality is that a healthy vagina does have a smell, which tends to be different according to the time of the menstrual cycle and after having relationships.However, when it is very strong or is accompanied by other symptoms, it can be a consequence of a vaginal infection.

May Clinic specialists explain that the most frequent vaginal infection that causes smell, is bacterial vaginosis, caused by an excessive increase in the amount of bacteria that usually inhabit the vagina.However, trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease, can also cause it.

If the pain of your intimate area is very strong and persistent, it does not yield with proper external hygiene (remember not to wash the interior of the vagina) and you have symptoms such as itching, ardor, irritation or secretion, consult your gynecologist.

Finally, remember that dental problems, such as caries, gum disease, infections and even constantly have the dry mouth, can cause bad breath.

Body smell and bad breath, not only affects you socially.If you have noticed that you release a different or very peculiar smell, do not hesitate to consult your doctor, it is important to treat problems from the root and not ignore the signs of our body, you could avoid future problems in the future.

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