Since mobile phones came into our lives, we take photos of everything, at any time of the day and circumstance because we know that if we don't like it later, we can delete it and this possibility also includes babies.
Photos allow us to share our children's daily lives with family and friends and are a precious memory of childhood anecdotes, as well as an excellent gift idea for babies (albums, paintings, personalized cushions, etc.) .
However, no matter how modern the cameras that mobile phones are, and no matter how many adjustments can be made, there are things that have not changed when taking photos in general, such as light, focus, background. , etc.
Photographing a baby is not easy because babies do not pose, although perhaps this is also part of the charm of their photos. The best childhood photos are usually the stolen ones.
Here are some ideas that can help you take photos of a baby;
As I said before, the focus of the photo is very important. Keep in mind that babies are much smaller than us photographers. For this reason, to take a good photo, it is advisable to get down to her height, on your knees on the ground.
If the idea is to make a portrait, a good idea is to place the baby on a plain (pastel colored) rug near a plain wall where there is nothing else.
Placing ourselves at the baby's height, we can focus her eyes and capture the baby's gaze and the emotions that she transmits. The baby's eyes are the most expressive part of her face.
Before taking a photo, it is advisable to look at what will come out behind the baby. The simpler the background, the better. The photo can change a lot if behind the little one you see a garden or a pastel-colored wall, a lot of cars or a lot of people with brightly colored clothes. The less things there are in the image, the more prominence the baby will have
The ideal is to take the photos with natural light, especially with the light of sunset and sunrise, which are the softest.
So that the image is not backlit, it is necessary to avoid the sun being in front of the camera.
Now, you should not put the baby facing the sun, or expose the flash too much or a spotlight on her face because she will wink her eyes. The flash does not harm the baby, but the muzzle flash can be annoying or distracting.
Indoors, the ideal is to place the child in front of a window. If the sun hits your face, you can soften the light by placing a sheet.
For several years I coordinated the photographic productions in a parenting magazine and I was fortunate to work with an excellent expert photographer in portraits, Nines Mínguez, with extensive experience in photographing babies.
When we chose the clothes with which to dress the babies, we always discarded the models with prints (stripes, dolls, pictures...) because they could create confusion in the photo.
When taking a photo, it is best to dress the baby in simple clothes, without frills or distracting accessories, in pastel colors (white, light blue, lilac...), as strong colors steal the spotlight from the child. It is also It is very important to use clothes that the child is used to wearing so that he feels comfortable.
As I said at the beginning, the best images of babies are usually the stolen ones, and to achieve these photos a trick is to take many photos in a row, as a burst, both when we try to take a portrait and when the baby does not look, at different times of his day to day playing, eating, sleeping. Surely among all of them there is an image with a funny or tender gesture that you will like to keep as a memory.
A fun idea is to photograph the baby every week in the same place with a similar focus and background to compare her evolution.
It is best to leave the child to her air and not insist on placing it, because she is going to move. For example, if we leave him playing on a rug with various toys, we will surely achieve much more expressive gestures than if we sit him in a chair and tell him to smile. The more natural, the better
If we are going to take a nude photo, it is important to raise the temperature of the room and, if necessary, put an electric blanket under the baby so that it does not get cold. The electric blanket can be covered with a sheet.