The life of children with disabilities is so complex that not even the toy industry takes them into account when manufacturing items with which they can have fun just like ordinary children do .
Thinking about problems like this, Go Baby Go emerged, an event created at the University of Delaware, United States, aimed at bringing happiness to children with disabilities. A version of this initiative is carried out in Medellín in an alliance between the EIA university and the Rehabilitation Committee of Antioquia, which promote the donation of battery cars to which pedals, buttons or other driving mechanisms are easily adapted. actionable by infants with limitations.
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— Меган Адамсон Thu Oct 31 11:32:00 +0000 2013
What is striking is that the reforms are carried out live and in the presence of the beneficiaries, who are previously chosen by the Rehabilitation Committee in such a way that the adaptations are tailored to the children who are it is will present toys.
The activity is carried out today in a double day at the Zúñiga headquarters of the EIA (calle 25sur N°42-73, Envigado), where two groups of 25 people will attend -one in the morning and another in the afternoon- to intervene the donated toys and that at once the children take them home.