02 09
Vazva and Resurrection Fest launch an exclusive collection of 100% sustainable clothing
Ambas marcas gallegas se han aliado y han presentado una colaboración que ya está a la venta con un 20% de descuento
Brais Capelán

A falta de festivales, el Resurrection Fest ha decidido apostar por la moda y, para ello, se ha aliado con una de las marcas más populares de Galicia. Se trata de la coruñesa Vazva, con un amplio recorrido y muy vinculada al mundo del surf, el skate o la música punk-rock.Vazva y Resurrection Fest lanzan una exclusiva colección de ropa 100% sostenible Vazva y Resurrection Fest lanzan una exclusiva colección de ropa 100% sostenible

A few days ago the Resurrection Fest and Vazva presented a collection of exclusive clothing.These are different unisex garments such as sweatshirts, t -shirts, socks or accessories such as bags.They maintain the essence of the Coruña, while incorporating the designs so characteristic of the Viveiro Metal Festival.

  • Vazva y Resurrection Fest lanzan una exclusiva colección de ropa 100% sostenible

    This limited editing capsule collection has illustrations made by artists Samuel Lucas and Xan Xan.These are sustainable garments, both in materials and manufacturing.All models have been manufactured in Portugal, 280 kilometers from A Coruña, with workforce in Fairtrade (equality and labor costs regulated by CEE), with certified 100% organic cotton, natural dyes and digital prints.

    In addition, the packaging is made of potato fédula, with recycled and recyclable cardboard accessories and exterior polyesteres tags also recycled.All models for sale are already found on the Vazva website.Buyers during this pre -order period will have a 20% discount.

  • TEMAS:
    Resurrection Fest Estrella Galicia