30 07
Walmart launches used clothes for the first time in its history

La suerte está echada: a partir de esta semana, Walmart (WMT) se adentrará en el mercado de la reventa de productos de segunda mano.Walmart se lanza a vender ropa usada por primera vez en su historia Walmart se lanza a vender ropa usada por primera vez en su historia

Thanks to an association with the Thredup site, dedicated to this item, the American retail trade giant will offer clothing, accessories, footwear and bags for women and children on its digital page.

The company itself has estimated about 32.000 million dollars The potential of this operation, a novelty in its almost 60 year career.

Between the more than 750.000 articles of about 2.000 brands, Nike, Coach, Michael Kors, Outdoor Voices, Chanel and Madewell stand out, according to a Business Insider report.

"We have an incredible assortment on the Internet," Denis Incandela, chief of e -commerce fashion of the company, in an official publication -, the resale prices are exceptional and we are delighted to offer our clients the opportunity to reuse these garments ".

Walmart se lanza a vender ropa usada por primera vez en su historia

Those who make some purchase above $ 35 through this website will have free shipping, as well as the option to return the product at no cost directly in Walmart or Thredup.

According to Incandela, these are "exclusive benefits that had not been available for Thredup customers before".

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It is precisely Thredup responsible for the evaluation and selection of the articles that will appear on the Walmart portal. Entre estos se encuentran ropa y zapatos considerados “nuevos” o “como nuevos” por ThredUp, así como accesorios y bolsos “usados ​​con cuidado”.

“After a decade when it became the world's largest resale market, Thredup is delighted to join forces with the world's largest retailer to offer them a second -hand digital purchase experience to the valuable Walmart buyers inThe whole country, ”said James Reinhart, CEO and co -founder of the company.

The second -hand clothing, shoes and accessories market has been booming in recent years, due in part to the strong appetite of buyers for offers and their concerns about the impact of the fashion industry on the environment, according toThe publication of Business Insider points out.

The resale market is expected to increase 32.000 million dollars this year at 51.000 million by 2023, according to an investigation by Thredup and Globaldata Retail.

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