10 07
16 actors and actresses who were too ugly (or very little ugly) for paper

1. EMMY ROSSUM was about not to star in Fiona in without shame because the producers considered that he was not able not to be pretty.

2. On the contrary, Andrew Garfield lost the role of Prince Caspian in the series Las Chronica de Narnia because "he was not handsome enough."

Walt Disney Co. / courtesy Everett Collection, Phillip Faraone / FilmMagic via Getty Images

Había llegado a los dos últimos, pero en su lugar eligieron a Ben Barnes.16 Actores y actrices que fueron demasiado feos (o muy poco feos) para un papel 16 Actores y actrices que fueron demasiado feos (o muy poco feos) para un papel

3.Jennifer Lawrence was originally rejected for his role in deep winter because he was "too pretty": he had to show them that "it was not pretty."

4. According to Kate Beckinsale, director Michael Bay did not consider her attractive enough for her role in Pearl Harbor because "he was not blonde and his breasts were not bigger than his head."

5. The director Joe Wright did not want Keira Knightley to star in his film pride and prejudice for his good appearance.

6. After having been replaced after the Stumptown pilot, actor Mark Webber launched into social networks to rant about how he was allegedly fired for not being attractive enough.

ABC, Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty Images

Webber wrote: "Look, I am a white and heterosexual man, so I know that my trip has been much less painful in this twisted industry, but the paper is being removed on a television series because I am not handsome enough for executives", describing his" degrading "treatment.The paper was obtained by Jake Johnson.

7. The four wedding screenwriter and a funeral, Richard Curtis, did not want Hugh Grant to star in the movie because he was too handsome.

8.Minnie Driver was about not to star in mind because the producer did not believe he was "pretty enough."

9.alison Brie states that his past interpreting refined and "cute" roles almost prevents him from being chosen for the role of Ruth, which should be attractive but in an unconventional sense, in Glow.

10. According to the composer Anne Dudley, the executive producer of Poldark, Damien Timmer, was worried because women did not find the protagonist attractive, Aidan Turner.

11. After being appointed by Esquire "the sexiest woman" in 2005, Jessica Biel said she had a hard time getting a job and that a director said: "I don't look for the sexiest woman; I look for the girl next door."

12.a Henry Cavill told him that he was not thin enough to play James Bond when he was 21 years old.

13.scarlett Johansson was "too sexy" to star in the tattooed dragon girl.

14.Meryl Streep was considered "too ugly" to star in King Kong.

Jack Mitchell / Getty Images, Paramount Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection.

16 Actores y actrices que fueron demasiado feos (o muy poco feos) para un papel

Laurentiis producer Dino came to say "Che Brutta" ("what ugly") in front of Meryl when he went to the hearing;She understood and replied in Italian.In her place, the role went to Jessica Lange.

15. And finally, Melissa de Sousa was considered "too pretty" to play an "unfortunate stripper" in the rhythm of a dream.

What were the most shocking?Do you have any other example of actors who have been told that they are too attractive or that they are not enough?Tell us in the comments!

This post was translated from English.