Los caminos para lograr adelgazar son muy distintos, dependiendo de la persona que los lleve a cabo. Aunque los médicos y nutricionistas suelen coincidir al asegurar que la dieta y el deporte son la combinación perfecta para perder peso, lo cierto es que lo que puede funcionar para una persona, puede no ser lo mejor para otra. Por eso, lo mejor es pedir consejo.
The case of Amy Greaves is one of those who encourage other people to start their own weight loss.This British woman has thinned seven dress sizes in just two years and has made it walking 10.000 steps per day and without looking at calories.A story that has gone viral, although your life has not been easy.
Amy works as a performing arts teacher, but her other passion is food, so she also has a blog about food and restaurants.Although he began to dance with only 14 years, he did not feel accepted at school because he did not believe that he fit in that body idea that is expected in a dancer.Therefore, his self -esteem rested and translated into weight gain.
This woman has told 7 News that went through difficult years in which she used food to try to overcome the lack of self -confidence, but, even so, she was able to go to college and study art.The problem is that the unhealthy food was always within reach and was not able to give up chocolate or choose healthy options when I had to eat away from home.
He thought his body did not fit to be a dancer, so he took refuge in food
— shruti Mon Jul 14 22:27:15 +0000 2014
During his university stage, Amy always had overweight, so he tried all kinds of diets, from the traditional ones to which they were emerging as fashion from time to time.Unfortunately, none of them fit his lifestyle and ended up abandoning them all for the same cause: they were always too restrictive.
Amy finished the race and began working as a performing arts teacher, but her weight did not stop growing.However, it was not until April 2018 when he made a change in his life.On that date he gave birth to his first daughter, Maia, and then made a determination: he was going to lose weight to be a positive influence for his daughter and never watched her overweight.
Amy did not want to go through what had happened to other mothers, who or cannot play with their children due to their weight or refuse to photograph themselves with them by shame.Therefore, in January 2019, its process to lose weight began: then, weighed more than 97 kilos and used a size 22, the British equivalent to a 4xl size size.
Today, just two years after starting that plan to lose weight, Amy weighs only 68 kilos, so he has lost 30 kilos.But, in addition, Amy has had to stop buying clothes for specialized stores in large sizes, since now uses a size 12, the equivalent of a m in Spain.A radical change that makes it happy.
Amy soon realized that her plan was working.In the first five months the scale already showed her advances, but she could continue eating rich and healthy meals.Because his particular slimming trick has been to incorporate the sport into his life, walking 10.000 steps every day for the exercise to burn calories.
This young woman, who is 32 today, stopped counting calories and worrying about the miracle diets that promise to lose a lot of weight in a short time.He decided to eat healthy, choosing health.
Amy went from using the equivalent of a 4xl size to a m after losing 30 kilos in two years
Thus, a typical Diet for Amy consists of a healthy homemade breakfast, roasted potatoes at eating and a pasta salad or grilled vegetables for dinner.In this way, you have the calories controlled in your day to day, but without having to be telling what each food provides.And he has become that positive influence he wanted to be for his daughter.