Through her Instagram account, the influencer Hypatia shared a video in which she tests the sizes of the Bershka clothing store. In her video you can see a lack of inclusivity in the diversity of existing bodies, since the garments that on the label say they are large and extra large sizes do not correspond to those types of bodies.
Hypatia is an influencer with 171 thousand followers on Instagram, through her account she informs and acts against fatphobia. She also talks about the importance of loving one's own body and combating eating disorders.
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As expected, Hypatia was heavily attacked on social networks for the video she made testing the diversity of Bershka sizes. She received many fatphobic messages that pointed to her body as the problem and not the clothing store as being responsible for the lack of inclusivity.
Through her Twitter account, she showed her dissatisfaction with the comments received, but also, she started a discussion about the sizes of fast fashion clothing stores such as Berska.
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"I don't buy there because I just have nothing left and it only hurt me," commented a Twitter user responding to Hypatia's Tweet.
On the other hand, user “PATO” wrote:
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For her part, the user Blissy also showed her dissatisfaction about the lack of diversity in sizes of the Bershka brand, and showed an example of a blouse that indicated being extra large on the label, but that barely fit a slim body like hers. .
In social networks, they also commented that the lack of inclusiveness in sizes is a characteristic of many other fast fashion clothing stores, such as ZARA or Pull&Bear.
Have you ever had trouble getting clothes in your size at stores like this? How did it make you feel? Remember that your body is not bad, it is bad to think that all bodies should be the same size.