The National Police has arrested four men on Saturday in Gijón, between 20 and 30 years old, for the alleged sexual assault to two women, 22 and 23, who presented themselves at 06.30 hours at the police station to denounce the facts.
It is expected that detainees, Portuguese tourists, give a statement this Sunday and spend on Monday, according to the investigation sources to Europa Press.
The young women declared that they met a boy in a promotion pub and were left to their hotel.On the way they joined a friend of him and when he arrived in the room there were two other men and were forced to have sex with everyone.
The protocol of attention to victims of sexual crimes and women have been activated in the Hospital de Cabueñes where health care is being paid and evidence is being collected.
Police are initiating the investigation both with the testimony of the young women and the declaration of the detainees and with the information that other people who were in the leisure premises and in the hotel establishment can provide to try to clarify what could be a caseof multiple rape.
The president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, has shown his "total and absolute condemnation" for what happened:
“Machismo attacks and kills, is an attack on women's freedom.My total and absolute condemn for multiple rape in Gijón, with four young people arrested for sexually abusing two girls.Asturias has to raise his voice to this rape.We can't shut up ".