07 07
Have you been stolen?Guidelines to replace you emotionally


To rebuild from the transfer that means being the victim of a robbery, especially in the house, it is not always easy

Five techniques to handle anxiety

Bàrbara Julbe

Dissal drawers, clothes on the floor, the computer and the TV is missing, neither are mobile phones ... All removed and scattered around the house.This is one of many scenarios that leaves a robbery.A disturbing experience that, beyond the loss of material things, can become traumatic and, even more, if you have witnessed it or have been the victim of a violent assault.And not only your home has been invaded, but also that more precious: your intimacy and, in the case of aggression, also your physical integrity.

¿Te han robado? Pautas para reponerte emocionalmente

Block or remain paralyzed, have anxiety, cry disconsolably, or even disconnect from the situation are some of the multiple natural reactions that may arise in a situation of these characteristics.

"The reason is that a private space has been violated and this generates a lot"says Andrés Cuartero, head of the Piscologists of the D'Of Emergències Mèdiques (SEM) system.

In fact, the traumatic situation occurs in two times, according to experts."A first time of overflowing emotional impact where the person can hardly process and assimilate what is happening to him. In it, difficulties can occur to think what happened, about the magnitude of what happened or the personal implications that the situation may have.And later, a time later, sometimes months or even years, something will give a new meaning to what happened. It will be then when new symptoms will emerge, "explains Francisco González, a doctor in clinical, forensic and health psychology and health and teacherof the Studies of Psychology and Sciences of Education of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

A robbery at home is a violation of self -confidence "

Andrés CuarteroJefe de los piscólogos del SEM

Although the most frequent is an acute stress reaction, and reactions characterized by fear, insecurity, the feeling of danger and distrust, each person is unique and unique."We have organized psychically in a particular way according to our personal or vital trajectory. The emotional reaction will be conditioned by the structure and personality characteristics already established. Also by what the current traumatic situation arouses in us, about traumatic conflicts and situationsPrevious unresolved, which with this incident have been revived, "adds González.

After the facts

The emotional reaction is conditioned by the personality of each

How the facts and personality that each individual has is what will make the person have one answer or another."If they steal when the victim is at home, the reaction could be more serious, since the sensation of risk or threat of integrity is bigger; but it does not necessarily have to be different. One issue are the facts of the external world and anotherHow it has been registered in our mental world, and the way in which it is recorded in each person is different regardless of how things have happened, "González specifies.

Therefore, psychologists, who arrive at your home activated by the SEM, have among their many tasks to help those affected to recover stability precisely in these first and hard moments."They are accompanied. There is a minimum of security so that they can work. But we try to make them make the efforts for themselves. They recover some functionality and can make decisions on their own. We know that this is highly protective ofFace to a possible future trauma, "says Cuartero.

Talk to the environment about what happened or how the affected feels help "

Francisco GonzálezPsicólogo y profesor de la UOC

After the robbery or violent assault, the victim will not want, in all likelihood, to stay at home alone or sleep in it, at least, for a few days.However, facing these moments serenity will allow better to cope with the situation."One or two days it is normal to be afraid. But as soon as possible, you will overcome it before. If not, tomorrow you will still be afraid and more anguish, and later the phobias could appear," he emphasizes fourth.

To proceed with serenity and gradually assimilate what happened, experts advise to follow these guidelines:

Maintain serenity

1. Decide gradually

Whether the robbery has left the victim paralyzed, distressed or as frost, it is best to face these first moments calmly and serenity.An easy task."An assault in our personal space can be an internal tsunami in affected people," describes González.Going step by step and gradually decide what to do will be the best investment.

When the events have just passed, sem psychologists who go to home help the victim to restore their safety.Good support."We help them, although we know that it will take time. And, at home, access is limited, we do not let anyone enter. When a criminal accesses, this rape of space creates a very large psychological discomfort, a reactionof helplessness, anger, helplessness and injustice, "says Quarter.

Connect with ourselves and in the feeling we had at other difficult times for which we have passed and from which we have left them, it will help us to regain confidence in ourselves.

Rely on someone

2. Download Emotions

Expressing emotions will report great benefits to the person affected by the assault."That there is a space where the emotional reaction can be downloaded. If the emotional part does not have a tour in the next few days, then it will be more intensely," says Cuartero.

And he adds that "a spoken problem is less problem. In the head it has a large and catastrophic dimension, instead when we can talk about it it seems as if the intensity had changed. The space to facilitate discharge is also preventive to develop disorders."The reaction that you have must also be normalized, "since it is an adaptive response and not a disease," says this psychologist.

Emotions must emerge."One must afford to think, where to express and process the experience lived, as well as reflect on those issues of the past that the situation of the assault has awakened us, returned to the present or disorganized or even revived," says González.

And he adds that "it can help talk to the environment about what happened or how the person feels; although other people can help write or, in the case of children, they can give them a space to play with miniatures toCreate imaginary worlds and stories, or draw. "

Overcome fears

3. Stay at home

The days following the assault will be normal for "difficulties to sleep or that there are shocks in bed, anxiety or distrust of people may appear ...", says Quartero.But it is considered within the normality that costs to stay at home or sleep at night.

Memories and images may also appear repetitively or even obsessive."When the person recovering a certain normality, he will notice how in the next few days he goes down this level of anguish," says quarter.

Symptoms that persist

4. Ask for help from a professional

If after two or three weeks, this emotional reaction of anguish, distrust or obsession persists and does not decrease, it is recommended to consult the family doctor.

According to González, "each person has to take the time to feel prepared to deal with a psychotherapy process and, above all, that it is of the circumstance that, despite the suffering that may present in the form of fears, anguish, among others, have the desire to know what is happening to you and do something to solve it and find yourself better. "

How will you know that you have overcome it

La carga afectiva del primer momento irá cediendo y dando paso, poco a poco, a otra perspectiva de los mismos hechos. "Podríamos pensar que la persona lo ha superado cuando llega el momento en el que la situación vivida tiene menos carga emocional. También cuando no piensa tanto en lo que le ha pasado y cuando lo recuerda pero no le despierta una reacción emocional intensa", indica González.​De alguna forma, las emociones ligadas al robo dejan de interferir en la vida y actividad diarias. "La víctima también lo habrá vencido cuando disponga de una nueva perspectiva desde la que poder entender su propia historia o vivencia, un nuevo discurso fruto de haber reescrito su experiencia personal", concluye González. Una nueva historia que contar.

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