Last Friday, July 23, Olga Moreno (45 years old), Antonio David Flores's wife (45), she raised with the 200 award.000 euros after becoming the winner of survivors 2021.In this way, the contestant was chosen by 61.17 percent of the voting - in front of 38.83 - as the Honduran that most deserved the prize.All unprecedented success, both for her and her family, and for the Fuencarral chain.
Olga Moreno has become the character of the moment.If before leaving Honduras - with the docuserie of Rocío Carrasco (44) recently released in Telecinco - his testimony was considerably revalue.In fact, this last Wednesday night he granted his first great interview to review his family and personal news in space now, Olga.
Olga Moreno in a file image dated in March 2021.Gtres
Be that as it may, there is no doubt that what he has lived, and is living, Olga Moreno is a revolution without barracks.Everything in it generates money and interest.Nothing to do with his life a few months ago.Before his contest in survivors, Moreno was 'only' Antonio David's wife and the woman who has dealt in the last years of the children and Carrasco have in common, Rocío (24) and David Flores. Tenía su tienda, Olé & Amén, en Málaga, y vivía ajena al mundo de la televisión, salvo alguna irrupción puntual.
Olé & Amén se convirtió en el negocio familiar y en una fuente de ingresos para los Flores-Moreno, sobre todo desde que Antonio David fuera despedido de la cadena de Fuencarral tras el estreno de Rocío: contar la verdad para seguir viva.Now, after Olga's success and triumph in Mediaset, and all the followers who began to follow her fervently, at what point is his business?Jaleos has tried to analyze the evolution of the company, and the truth is that the results that are thrown cannot be more flattering.
Image of the Instagram account of Olga Moreno, in which your number of followers can be seen.
Especially if one takes into account that Olga made an intelligent decision, as a strategy, before leaving Honduras: the person who has taken the networks all these months has commented on the contest in the same personal Instagram account where she promotes theComplements of your Malaga store.In this way, the number of account followers has experienced a significant rise in these months, which increases every day. En la actualidad, Olé & Amén by Olga Moreno suma 119.000 followers.
Desde que comenzara el programa selvático de Telecinco, en la cuenta de Instagram se han ido alternando en el tiempo tanto promociones de complementos de la nueva colección de Olé & Amén como mensajes de apoyo al concurso de Olga.With phrases like "one more week demonstrating the fighter who is and fighting each test until the end".In this way, a great impact has been achieved.One of the aspects that may have somehow influenced this great takeoff is the fact that Olga has counted to promote her fashion articles with two very important people for her: Rocío Flores and her intimate friend Ana Luque.
Rocío Flores and Ana Luque, friend of Olga Moreno, in Mounting of Jaleos.Social networks
An example of the great pull that Antonio David's wife is having on the website of her store, linked to the Instagram account.Much of the accessories are exhausted.Another proof of the great thrust that has obtained the page can be seen in the number of 'I like you' that get the publications from the incursion of Moreno in Survivors.Although before his media jump Olga had an average of 700 likes in his advertisements, during the contest he has far exceeded, the 10.000.Even his last post, after victory, almost touches the 40.000 'I like you'.
He says: "Thank you all for having helped us to enjoy so many weeks of Olga in survivors, for having supported it both in voting and daily with each message of mood that came to us.Thanks to all fans clubs, for daily help and for everything they have transmitted to us ".And, also the fans clubs have turned to Antonio David Flores's wife.While at first, one of them closed his account after Rocío Carrasco's testimony, the truth is that it was a totally exceptional case.In fact, one of the most powerful on Instagram has 52.100 followers, and in Tik Tok with 25.900.
After months of silence, at the end of June, Antonio David decided to break his silence.He chose the YouTubers Javi Oliveira and Juanjovlog to be their interviewers in a revealing conversation, in which he assured that he has destroyed his life."I have been defined, I have been dismissed publicly, my life has been destroyed, I have been publicly pointed out before all a country," confessed the television collaborator.
Antonio David Flores and his daughter, Rocío, in the streets of Madrid.Gtres
He wanted to make clear then that everything that has been said about him is absolutely false and has insisted: "People have seen an absolute barbarity, I still call him media terrorism, media harassment, a media lynching".Thus, outraged, he sentenced the treatment he has received from many of those who were his teammates on television.However, he has been aware that some people have been on their side."There were people who were seeing that behind this public complaint of gender violence there was a business, a personal revenge, an intention to destroy a family and a person," said the one who was a collaborator of Sálvame.
Despite Rocío Carrasco's public complaint, of course abuser, Antonio David insisted that he is innocent of everything he has accused him publicly: "The TV factory and Save Me have become a judicial headquarters, with prosecutors and prosecutors andJudges.You cannot skip one to the bullfighter, for a business for money, the rights that each of us have.All lines have been exceeded.People have come to say: 'They have caused the opposite effect'.If they wanted to impose a single version, people in their home have said, this is not so, and have caused the opposite effect.I appreciate the people who said blackout to save me and turn off the TV factory ".
[More information: Antonio David Flores breaks his silence: "Media terrorism has been made, I have shattered my life"]