Malaga artist Ana Mena (24 years old) has become the woman of the moment.In our lives he has been.
The creator of issues such as a sudden kiss or a moon step, mass successes globally, also appeared in 2009 in the Menuda Noche South program, where she sang with Abraham Mateo (23) the success of Melocos when I go.Four years later, the singer would surprise - with whom he keeps a close friendship from childhood - imitating him at his careful look at your face sounds to me.
Ana Mena is today an international star with a patriotic stamp that can boast of having a brilliant trajectory in Spain and outside this country, especially in Italy, where it is an authentic mass idol.Now, in addition, it has become a jury of the new edition of Idol Kids, next to Camela and Omar Montes (34).
The artist Ana Mena has passed a girl to a woman, but several touch -ups could have been made.
In this decade of public life, Ana Mena has experienced a great physical change: first girl and secondLeon to El Español.
"In the comparison of both images, notable changes are appreciated.To start, the look is more open and projected.It could respond to the effect of a complete blepharoplasty, the lower aesthetic surgery to eliminate the excess skin of the eyelids.This little intervention amplifies the look.I would have combined it with botox and tension threads for a cat eyes effect that elevates and shakes the look.It would have cost him about 4.000 euros, "says the Peña.
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And it continues: "If both images are compared, in the first photograph the upper eyelid is especially presented, this name receives it when the fixed eyelid rests on the mobile and gives a feeling of a somewhat fallen or sad look and smaller eyes".
One of the most obvious changes in Mena is his nose, central point of his face, whose tip is higher, according to the surgeon."On the other hand, he could have resorted to complete rhinoplasty to stylize the nose.In the current photo, the nose is more refined, with the most straight profile, the most retracted and subtly high tip.Even the fins can be seen smaller.It would have cost him about 4.Approximately 500 euros, "says the doctor.
Ana Mena could have infiltrated your lips to give you more hydration and thickness.
"In the middle third, the contouring effect of aesthetic medicine complemented with bichectomy could have been performed.That is, it would have projected the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid to enhance the bone structure itself and contour the face.It would have cost him about 580 euros.This aesthetic medicine treatment based on hyaluronic acid microinfiltrations that would have combined it with minor fashion surgery among the vast majority of celebs: bichectomy.It consists of the extraction of the bichat balls, the fat clusters that are located on both sides of the cheeks.Its extraction is carried out in an outpatient basis with two microincisions inside the mouth.It would have cost him about 1.100 euros, "says the doctor.
And he adds: "This combination of treatments in the middle third of the face," says Miguel de la Peña, "it would have concluded it with the application of hyaluronic acid also in the Nasogenian groove, the two expression lines that join the two lower ends ofThe nose with the corner of the lips.With hyaluronic acid they soften so much that they become almost imperceptible.It would have cost him about 450 euros".
Ana Mena is the most listened Spanish woman in Spotify.
"Another facial feature that can be seen different is the lips.Ana Mena could have opted for a custom lip design with hyaluronic acid to outline them, mark the arc of Cupid, provide volume and hydrate.It would have cost him about 450 euros", observa el experto consultado por este periódico.
To conclude, Miguel de la Peña, by Diego de León Clinics, also finds some treatment in the impressive light that gives off the face of Ana Mena."Finally, in the lower third one would have opted for the marking and projection of the chin with hyaluronic acid, this treatment would have been addressed with the aim of stylizing the facial oval and outlining the lower contour of the face.".
"For skin care, you could respond to the effect of personalized vitamins and non -reticulated acid cocktail to hydrate in depth - without increasing volume - and luminosity.It is known as Glowy Skin effect.It would be performed through Mesotherapy, infiltrations at strategic points of the whole face every two months.This session would have a cost of about 300 euros and is also a must among all national and international celebs, "says the well -known surgeon.
[More information: Ana Mena, the Spanish who can represent Italy in Eurovision via San Remo]