Trends Giselle Nguyen/Gracie Herrick
The workers of the American restaurant chain Hooters criticized through their social networks the new uniforms that the Administration intend to use in their work.
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— MarvelousHunt Thu Jul 01 12:13:29 +0000 2021
Hooters is a US -food restaurants chain that sells fast food with waitresses composed of shorts and scheduled tops.
A través de Tiktok, varias empleadas se quejaron de que el nuevo uniforme de la empresa era muy incómodo, ya que redujeron aún más el tamaño de los shorts que usan, comparándolo con ropa interior.
"Amo mi trabajo, pero no me gusta usar mi ropa interior para trabajar", escribió una en la plataforma.
Others denounced that they wanted to give up how small the new shorts were.
The Hooters chain has been criticized for sexualizing women, since they are accused of using uniforms of this type to sell more, in addition to demanding hairstyle and makeup standards.