I want them to stop seeing how bad women, who stop seeing us as a threat, that they give themselves the opportunity to know each other as we are, that they put themselves in our shoes
Having your card has also meant an improvement in Allix's relationships.Hoy tiene una pareja heterosexual que conoció a través de redes sociales."It was hard when I confessed that she was a trans woman, he stopped talking to me but then contacted me again and now we are a couple".Your relationship has been a process full of questions.“I recently met his daughter and that was very beautiful.It's like a sample of respect, love.I dream of having my own family ".Having become the first trans woman with changed card also made her family turn her eyes to her.They called her, they invited her to dinner, they cried and that was also comforting for her."My grandmother was very tender.I was happy, proud, told me beautiful things. ”.The most difficult process has been with her mother, but she knows that it has not been an easy process for her and trusts that one day she will accept her as she is: a woman."He told me he was pretty and that is already beautiful for me".His father supports her, treats her well, once told her that she was simply her daughter and that that was what really mattered.And just as his family has been changing, he wants society to change, that trans women are not forced to work in prostitution to survive. “I want them to stop seeing how bad women, who stop seeing us as a threat, that they give themselves the opportunity to know each other as we are, that they put themselves in our shoes”.(Also read: As a rule, you must pay the platform for your house).
‘Reafírmate: el Chuchú de la Cédula’Reafírmate: el Chuchú de la Cédula’ es un programa de la Secretaría de Integración Social para que los hombres y las mujeres trans puedan tener su cédula modificada.This year there will be 170 people the beneficiaries of this free procedure, which is an opportunity for working life.The process of name and sex change in the identity document has three phases.The first is to register in a link in which prioritization criteria were applied (Sisbén A, B and C to C07, victims of the conflict and people in disabilities);Then, according to registration order, 170 people benefited per year for a total of 680 during the four -year period.Due to the reception that this process had, the link was disabled, while the second call is made.El paso siguiente es la identificación y caracterización por la Subdirección para Asuntos LGBTI - Unidad Contra la Discriminación (se diligencia su historia social y se ofertan servicios).People receive individual advice on the process, how to overcome access barriers and reaffirm the right to legal personality.Por último, se hace acompañamiento a la notaría para que se realicen los trámites de declaración extrajudicial y escrituración, posteriormente se verifica que los documentos estén correctos para realizar el cambio en el registro civil y luego el agendamiento de la cita para corregir su cédula ante la Registraduría, quienes entregan la contraseña que los y las acredita como ciudadanos garantes de derechos.The ‘Chuchú’ is a word that comes from the transific.
Carol Malersubeditora Bogotáescrínos to
CM01 de noviembre 2021, 12:00 A. M.CMCarol Malaver01 de noviembre 2021, 12:00 A. M.Relacionados:Customize, discover and inform yourself.
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