20 03
Is shaving your armpits more hygienic? Myths debunked by medicine

For a long time, the appearance of women's armpits opened a debate, with or without hair; Although stereotypes and advertising for razors and clothes that allow one to see "nakedness" in this area indicate that it should be "clean", there are those who claim that it is only a social norm. How about?

Although the trends change according to the times and the people who speak out on the subject of removing body hair; there is evidence that this practice is over 100 thousand years old; Historically, it started by starting one by one, until reaching other types of tools.

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Removing hair from the armpits is related to eliminating bad odors, infections and pests, especially when it comes to women, who have more pressure to do so and thus be "beautiful". It is not that it is a practice to preserve health, but only an aesthetic issue.

Despite the stigmas of having hairy armpits, there are women who have joined what some consider rebellion and have allowed them to grow freely without having to show them how natural it is, and without taking into account the criticisms that are made of the regard.

Those who are capable of not giving course to this "cheek" allow body hair to be part of their human condition without prejudice, regardless of where it grows, its color, thickness or abundance. Those who don't, go back to makeup.

People free of prejudice who allow the birth and growth of their body hair show it in images on social networks and use the tags #armpithairdontcare and #armpithair among others, some consider it a fetish, although the truth is that it is something that the human body produces.