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Launches Ponent Mon November 2021 - Ramen Para Dos close

Launches Ponent Mon November 2021 Ruisu

This Monday, November 22, Ponent Mon brings back Kan Takahama with the publication of The Lover, an adaptation of the famous novel by Marguerite Duras, largely autobiographical, which evokes an intense love story of his adolescence in Indochina. This Takahama manga features a new oriental edition of this paperback manga with 15 x 21 cm size flaps. and a starting price for sale of €22.

Title: The LoverOriginal title: L'Amant: Aijin (愛人 -ラマン-)Author/s: Kan TakahamaGenre: drama, romanceFormat: Softcover paperback with flaps 17 x 24 cm.Status: Completed (1 volume/s)Spanish Publisher:< /b> Ponent MonJapanese Publisher: ReadSee full profile of The Lover

Marguerite is 15 years old and lives with her mother and two brothers. Boarding school to study mathematics, she only dreams of becoming a writer. On the ferry across the river to go to her boarding school, she meets a 26-year-old Chinese millionaire. They fall in love and begin an intense love relationship that is marked by the cultural conventions of the time, which make it impossible for a Chinese man and a white woman to unite, as well as their enormous economic differences. She experiences this erotically charged relationship as an escape from her reality, and must face shame, fear and jealousy, as well as find her place in a complicated and ruined family.

Ponent Mon November 2021 Launches - Ramen Para Two close

The publisher once again bets on this manga author after publishing The Last Flight of the Butterflies and Yotsuya City. Hanazono neighborhood. L'Amant: Aijin, the original title of this adaptation, is a largely autobiographical work that evokes Marguerite Duras' adolescence in Indochina. This was published in Japan in 2019 in the Torch magazine of the Leed publishing house.

The following is the complete list of Ponent Mon releases for the month of November 2021:

  • The lover (Kan Takahama) - €22.00
  • Source: Ponent Mon

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