20 07
Make homeland and pull a strike: 5 places to donate on CDMX

It is time to get the warm clothes from the bowels of your closet, but not to wear it but to give it to those who need it most.Here we share 5 places to donate on CDMX.

It is about donating garments, that although they beat you a lot, you no longer use and are in good condition.

You can also support good causes through cash and here we will tell you about some alternatives.

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5 places to donate on CDMX

The first option is organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

His campaign is called "you coat" and seeks to support people in street situations or the people who are in shelters.

Here you can wear jackets, sweaters, scarves, coats, vests, sarapes, caps, blankets, gloves and cleaningons clean and in good condition.

They also ask that the clothes are identified if it is for men, woman, girl or boy, and the size (girl, median or large) to support the organization and delivery.

To participate in this campaign, you can take the garments from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.”, In University City.

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You still have a few days to participate, since the clothing donation campaign concludes next Friday, December 3.

Haz patria y tira un paro: 5 places to donate on CDMX

Another of the places to donate on CDMX is Banco Tapitas.

This initiative supports the fight against children.

Donations can be made through deposits to a BBVA bank account, Banco Azteca or through PayPal.

If you decide to support this cause, here we share the account numbers to which you can send the tank.

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Another of the places to donate on CDMX is the almost new one, where they have a campaign to donate clothing in good condition.

In the almost new semi -new items such as clothes, shoes or household items are sold and the money that is collected is invested in the Junior League of Mexico organization, made up of women who develop social projects in favor of needy communities.

To donate you have to take your articles to the almost new facilities on Plato 211 street in Polanco.

The fourth option of places to donate on CDMX is spreading will, which organizes clothing and food collections, especially in winter seasons.

Just November 22 reported on their new clothing donation campaign.

"As every year, our year -end campaign arrives to shelter hearts to scarce families in the Sierra del Pico de #orizaba in Veracruz, where winter the temperature reaches below 0 °".

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They indicated that you can donate blankets, blankets, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts and "everything that adds so that we cope with both children, adults and senior citizens".

In addition, they will hold donation days at the Mexico Park, at the Countess.

These days will take place on December 11, 12, 18 and 19, 11:00 in the morning at 2:00 p.m..

Due to the pandemic, the organizers of this clothing donation campaign request that the garments are sanitized and delivered in transparent bags, with a label that indicates the size and gender.

You can also go to its collection centers at: Crater 540, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal, in the mayor of Álvaro Obregón, and in San Francisco 728, Col del Valle Centro, in La Benito Juárez.

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Last, but not less important, another of the places to donate on CDMX is the Army of Salvation Mexico.

It is a civil society organization that focuses on helping vulnerable groups such as children in danger, homeless, with addiction problems, women victims of violence and migrants.

The clothing donation campaign of the Salvation Army Mexico accepts garments in good condition, as well as industrial clothing or work uniforms.

If you want to support this cause, go to its facilities in San Borja Calle 1456, Colonia Vertiz Narvarte, in the Mayor's Office Benito Juárez.

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