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National Industry Antiviral Spray - TSS Agency

CONICET researchers developed a product to apply on surfaces and fabrics that inactivates SARS-COV-2 and other microorganisms for more than 24 hours.It is made from fishing waste and already signed an agreement with a laboratory to start producing it.

Por Nadia Luna__

TSS Agency-With the constant increase in COVID-19 cases, concern to maintain clean and ventilated spaces to reduce the possibilities of infection also grows.To make a contribution in this regard, Conicet researchers began to develop a material with antiviral and antibacterial properties from the reuse of fishing waste last year.This material became a spray to apply on surfaces and fabrics that, through a transfer agreement with Elea Phoenix laboratories, will be available in the market at the beginning of 2022.

“We have already been working with a biopolymer called chitosano, which is obtained from the exoskeleton of crustaceans.It is a waste from the fishing industry that has the ability to absorb different pollutants, and also has antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral action.Therefore, when the pandemic arrived, we thought it could serve to make a material capable of inhibiting coronavirus.This means that it does not allow you.

Álvarez works at the Institute of Research in Science and Materials (INTEMA - CONICET/National University of Mar del Plata) and Lasalle at the South Chemistry Institute (Inquisur - Conicet/National University of the South).They met more than ten years ago, when they presented themselves to a call from the Ministry of Science, and Innovation (MINCYT) for the development of binational projects with Cuba.As they worked in similar lines, the Miningt put them in touch and, since then, they did not stop working together.

Before the pandemic, the three large lines of research on the chitosan were linked to the development of sustainable inputs, oncological drugs of controlled release and water remediation with various pollutants, such as dyes, pesticides and arsenic.In April 2020, after repairing that its antiviral properties could be useful for the new health crisis context, they presented a project to the first call made the R&D Agency for projects related to COVID-19.They were selected and got to work.

“Another important aspect of the project is that crustacean exoskeletons usually accumulate on the shore and are pollutants.They are formed as small pyramids of this waste because what is marketed is the internal part.Today there is no industry that markets the polymer.There are small ventures at the local level that seek to reuse waste, favor the circular economy and reduce pollution, but it is on a small scale.It takes a bigger impulse so that an industry can be developed, ”says Álvarez.

Spray antiviral de industria nacional – Agencia TSS

The first application they thought for this material was for the textile industry.The idea was that it could be used to make elements of protection of health personnel, such as chins and nightclots.“But as a series of chinies came out with antiviral properties and other similar products we thought it was already covered.So we face the spray side, which is an element that can be had at home and place clothes or in common chin.

The spray forms a film about the fabric or surface where it is sprayed that protects for more than 24 hours.According to Vera, the essays carried out that protection can even last 72 hours.The difference with other disinfectants such as alcohol or lavandina is that if it is cleaned with those products but then a person who has the virus arrives, he can be deposited again on the surface.On the other hand, the film that forms the spray remains in it for the time mentioned.“What it does is interact at a chemical level with the virus.It is as if it cheated it because with this interaction it deactivates its external crown and prevents it from reproducing or infecting, ”explains Álvarez.

The road to Perviral 24, as they baptized the spray, was not simple.The first stumbling block that had to overcome was to get the permits to go to the laboratory in those first months of strict isolation.Then, to make the material tests, they realized that they needed to work with specialists in virology and bacteriology, among others.So they began to contact groups from other institutions to be able to complete the pieces that were missing.The first essays, for example, made them with Bovino Coronavirus at the Veterinary Research Center of Tandil (Civetan-Conicet/UNCPBA/Cicpba) and, subsequently, an agreement was made with the Anlis Malbrán to test it in SARS-COV-2.

They also worked with the Bahía Blanca Biochemical Research Institute (Inibibb - Conicet/UNS) to test the spray in the human herpes virus."Being more robust than the coronavirus, it gives us the guideline that can be used for other viruses beyond the Sars-Cov-2," says the engineer.In addition, they did tests with bacteria, since they are responsible for many in -hospital infections that represent a big problem in health centers.These essays were carried out at the Institute for Research in Biodiversity and Biotechnology (INBIOTEC -CONICET) of Mar del Plata.

Finally, they reached that key step necessary for development to reach society: technological transfer.Last week, CONICET signed a contract with Elea Phoenix for which the company obtains the rights for its production and undertakes to grant a percentage of profits to public institutions that made the development.In addition, for each batch produced, they must donate a certain number of liters to these institutions to be destined for schools and hospitals.In this way, the product will be available through two mechanisms: for those who want to buy it and through donations to the public system.

“Now the production is in their hands and we are available to adjust the details that arise.According to what they told us, in January it could now be available in the market, ”says Álvarez.And he adds: “In addition, during the tour of the company emerged other articulation ideas in which we can work.That is also to promote the national industry: develop innovative products that are not only in a scientific publication ”.

Gender issue

In this development the two project directors are women, which is significant in disciplines such as engineering and exact sciences, very masculinized areas in which women and dissidents usually meet barriers to study and work.In the case of Álvarez, she knew that she wanted to study engineering because she always liked to solve problems.At the end of school, I was thinking of scoring in chemical or mechanical engineering when he attended a talk by Pablo Stefani, who was going to become the first graduate of the novel engineering in Materials.

“When I heard what it was, it fascinated me.Of course, most of my classmates were male.There were teachers who thought we did not have the ability to study engineering but also many others and others who encourage us to do so, ”says Álvarez."I remember that in the fourth year I was going to do an internship in an industry and when I arrived at the end of the selection process they told me that everything was fine but that they could not hire me because they had no women's bath," he adds.

Despite the barriers, he not only received from engineer, but also made a doctorate in material science.In addition, she has held management positions (today she is a deputy director of the Inma) and last year she won the L’Oréal-Unesco Award "for women in science", for their work in the development of antiviral materials.For her, the situation of women in science has improved in recent years but considers that there is still enough way to go.

“There are women who arrive at places of decision and choose only men for their teams, repeating prejudices.It also happened to me that, when I have to travel to a congress, they ask me what I am going to do with my daughters and my partner never questioned.Anyway, I think we advance a lot and today we have to focus on shortening the gender gap in relation to sexual diversities.Also, in continuing to spread close examples of scientists so that younger girls know that it is not necessary to be Marie Curie to do science, ”he says.

Dec 29, 2021

: Antibacterial, CONICET, COVID-19, Materials Engineering, Inquisur, Intema, MINCYT