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Plan fertility or how to enable pregnancy when the woman decides to be a mother

Tener un hijo es algo natural biológicamente hablando y por eso estamos diseñados durante una etapa de nuestras vidas para concebir, especialmente la mujer. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, la infertilidad ha aumentado de manera considerable por diferentes causas, pero la más importante es la edad biológica de la mujer. El retraso en la maternidad es un hecho en Occidente por muchos factores, sobre todo por el laboral. Son muchas las que deciden postergar la maternidad hasta que tienen una situación profesional y económica estable, que suele ser más allá de los 30 años y es ahí cuando la fertilidad empieza a descender.Planificar la fertilidad o cómo posibilitar el embarazo cuando la mujer decide ser madre Planificar la fertilidad o cómo posibilitar el embarazo cuando la mujer decide ser madre

In fact, and always from the biological point of view, the stage of greatest fertility is during the twenties to thirty years.The new times impose a new maternity, but the body is foreign to this, hence we find problems to get pregnant as the years pass, since the ovarian reserve begins to descend.It does not happen in all women or all have problems because of age.There are many other factors. Este viernes 4 de junio, en el Día Mundial de la Fertilidad, hablamos con especialistas que se dedican a lograr el sueño de muchas familias y nos desvelan aspectos importantes sobre algo tan trascendente en la vida de un ser humano como es tener descendencia.

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When can we begin to suspect infertility?

“En condiciones normales”, explica la doctora Paloma Garbayo Sesma, ginecóloga en la clínica Anthea, “se estima que una pareja que mantiene relaciones sexuales sin protección de forma regular (unas dos o tres veces por semana) puede tardar hasta un año en conseguir un embarazo”."After this time," he continues, "it is recommended to find a specialist to do a study and detect if there is any problem".Although according to the expert, although the rule of the year can be applied to all women, it is recommended that in those of 38 years or more, the study starts from the six months of search without getting pregnancy: “sinceFrom that age it is more frequent.

What kind of tests can we do?

"Infertility is a couple problem, so it is essential to study both members of it," continues Dr. Garbayo.In the case of women, the study will include a gynecological exploration and an ultrasound to rule.There will also be a general analytics to rule out basic health problems, as well as a hormonal analytics that includes both hormones related to the functioning of ovaries and thyroid hormones, essential in the functioning of metabolism.In addition, to correctly assess the ovarian reserve, the value of the AMH (antimüllerian hormone) will be determined, which will allow us to know the patient's ovarian function ”.Finally, and only in the event that it is going to choose to perform treatment with artificial insemination, “it will be necessaryLevel would prevent the meeting of the ovule with sperm, ”adds Garbayo.

Planificar la fertilidad o cómo posibilitar el embarazo cuando la mujer decide ser madre

In the case of the male, the initial study will include a complete analytical, to rule out basic health problems, and a sperm study."This latest study includes a basic or semi -speech, proves that values (among other aspects) that the number, mobility and morphology of the sperm is adequate or not," argues the expert.“The seminogram is complemented by the REM or recovery of mobile sperm, in which the sperm are separated with a certain mobility from the rest, thus helping to correctly diagnose the state of the sample as well as, in the case of being necessary,The type of assisted assisted reproduction technique, ”says Garbayo.

Comprehensive fertility: a broader look

Integral fertility studies consist of a series of tests, physical and psychological, which will help the doctor to know the problem thoroughly and develop an ideal treatment for each case individually.There is scientific evidence and multiple studies that show that food, emotions, stress, sleep ... can affect the chances of conceiving a woman.Non -physical factors to take into account.We put some examples:

There are researchers who wanted to analyze the relationship between food and infertility.For example, a study published in July 2020 in Spain and called Nutrition and Invertility (nutrition and infertility, for its Spanish translation) concluded that “there are various factors associated with infertility, such as advanced age or the presence of structural alterationsIn the reproductive system (...).In relation to those we eat, it is noted that the excessive intake of saturated fats, trans fatty acids and proteins of animal origin could have a harmful effect on fertility, while the intake of complex carbohydrates, fiber, monoinsaturated fats andomega-3 fatty acids could have a beneficial effect.Likewise, it is essential.

Sleeping little also affects the fertility of men and women.An investigation carried out by Chinese researchers and published in the magazine Oxford Academý in 2018 tried.This study determined that, women who had sleeping problems had more problems conceiving.

Finally, the link between stress and infertility has been subject to various studies.As explained by the US National Health Institutes (NIH), “research systematically shows that life -related factors - food quality, sleep quality, place of residence and othersbehaviors - have deep effects on health and disease.Fertility is no exception.And among these, they include physical and psychological stress ”.An investigation carried out in this regard in 2014 at the Wexner Medical Center of the University of Ohio concluded that women with high levels of alpha-amylase, a biological indicator of stress measured in saliva, was associated with twice as probabilities of non-gestationAfter a year of unprotected sex, and with a 29% decrease to get pregnant.In total, the investigation had a sample of 501 American women between 18 and 40 years.But does the ability to conceive really decrease?It seems that it is not entirely clear.

Another study, published in 2018, called The Relationship Between Stress and Invertility (the relationship between stress and infertility, for its translation in Spanish), analyzed the benefits of psychological therapy to combat the stress of women with fertility problems and concluded:"These women should receive advice and support during treatment.Although there are no formal requirements for psychological advice for patients with infertility, it is recognized that the incorporation of these in practice are beneficial.It is well documented that infertility causes stress.Although the impact of psychological therapy is still somewhat controversial.While it is clear that for women with infertility who participate in these interventions they have the potential to reduce anxiety and depression, it does not have to lead to significantly higher pregnancy rates ”.

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