Alumnos y alumnas del Colegio Marianista de Junín realizaron una protesta este jueves en contra de las autoridades educativas, puesto que la institución discriminó a una estudiante que decidió vestir bermudas en vez de una pollera como uniforme y le indicó que debía cambiarse ese atuendo.
With the change in temperatures, from school they had made the decision to enable the use of Bermuda, although they only allowed those clothes to be used by men. "Se me dijo que esta no era la vestimenta de las chicas, que tenía que usar pollera o pantalón y llamaron a mis papás para que me acercaran una de estas prendas", reveló la joven cuestionada en diálogo con medios locales.He added: "For me at this point, in the century and year we are, the clothes stopped having a genre".
By taking knowledge of the case, students of the secondary level made a protest in the courtyard of the institution to request a change in the clothing code.As part of the demonstration and as a protest, some of the women approached the establishment with Bermuda, while many men showed up wearing skirts.
In this sense, the Student Center issued a petition where they pointed out that "under the protection of Law 26.743 about gender identity and law 26.061 On the right of adolescents and children "the institution's directive authorities are requested" a reform in the clothing code which is constituted by the absolute cancellation of any gender label ".
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And they added: "Weighing exclusively the respective colors of the uniform and the shield driven by the institution, which generate the true collective identity".
On the other hand, under the slogans "that nobody forces you", "equality" and "clothing has no gender", support samples on social networks were reproduced.“We try to convey that everyone deserves respect and equality regardless of their gender.That nobody decides for you, enforced your rights and promoted tolerance.A garment does not make you more man or more woman. Que nadie te obligue”, expresó una estudiante en Twitter.