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Aranjuez, September 8, 2021

María José Martínez de la Fuente, Mayor of Aranjuez, held a press conference this morning to inform all riverside residents of the most relevant issues that have been approved at the last Local Government Meeting, held on the 2nd September, and which are specified in the following summary.

1.- Approval of the project to improve paving in industrial areas

This project refers to the set of actions aimed at the renovation of the asphalt, horizontal signage and painting of pedestrian crossings of the following streets located in an industrial area:

.- Gonzalo Chacón: Between the roundabouts of Eduardo García Fernández and Carlos Richer, in the odd numbers and between the roundabouts of Eduardo García Fernández and Antonio Clavet, in the even numbers.

.- Raso de la Estrella Street. In the same will be made, in addition, punctual arrangements in the sidewalk. It includes from Carretera de Toledo to the tunnel under the railway tracks.

.- Carretera de Toledo: Bridge over the railway (between the roundabout of Robert Bosch and calle de la Escuadra)

The total area of ​​action amounts to 15,736.40 m2.

It has a budget of 234,980 euros (VAT included) and an execution period of two months.

It will be financed from the PIR 2016-2019 (50%) and the Feder Funds (50%).

Estimated start of execution: February 2022. We must wait for the definitive approval of the Ministry and after this proceed to the tender and award, as well as the coldest months of the year.

2.- Approval of the intervention project in municipal warehouses

As a result of the "Filomena" storm, the roofs made up of asbestos-cement plates of the two buildings of the municipal warehouses were damaged, causing breakage and even the collapse of a porch attached to one of the buildings, so the works included in the approved project include the removal of these plates, the placement of a new cover plate and the removal of the aforementioned attached porch.

More specifically, the actions include:

Demolitions :

Cover :

West facade :

The execution budget amounts, VAT included, to 164,559.78 euros.

The execution period is 3 months.

Its execution will be carried out under the 2021 municipal budget as soon as it is approved.

3.- Approval of the third Certification and Settlement of the synthetic pavement repair work, streets 1 and 2, of the athletics track of the Municipal Stadium "El Deleite"

This approval supposes the completion of the work and the economic liquidation of the same and, with it, a substantial improvement of both tracks that will have a positive effect on the conditions of sports practice for the benefit of riverside athletes, schoolchildren and athletes, in general, who use them.

It has been financed 80% from the Regional Investment Plan 2016-2019 (PIR) of the Community of Madrid and 20% from the City Council budget.

4.- Approval of the Agreement with the Community of Madrid to carry out actions against gender-based violence and to promote equal opportunities between women and men during the year 2022

The specific purpose of the Agreement is the collaboration of the City Council and the Community of Madrid in carrying out the following actions:

  1. a) The provision of comprehensive and multidisciplinary assistance services to women victims of gender violence, their sons and daughters and other dependent persons.
  2. b) The development of actions of a preventive nature, awareness and coordination against gender violence, in all its manifestations.
  3. c) The development of actions to promote equal opportunities between women and men.

This new Agreement has meant, after the efforts made by the Municipal Government, an increase of 35,000 euros compared to previous Agreements and amounts to exactly a total of 181,079.78 euros. Of the aforementioned total, the Community of Madrid will contribute 167,317.72 euros while the Aranjuez City Council will contribute 13,762.06 euros.


Its validity includes the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

5.- Approval of the Addendum to Modify the Collaboration Agreement with the Community of Madrid for the development of Primary Social Care and other social programs during 2021

This is the approval of a modification of the Agreement signed on December 21, 2020 between the Community of Madrid and this City Council for the care of the most vulnerable people in our city during the year 2021.

Both administrations have considered it necessary to introduce modifications to the aforementioned Agreement with a double objective. On the one hand, to provide a greater economic contribution to the set of basic social programs that are developed through it and, on the other, to reinforce the municipal Social Services staff. What will the template reinforcement translate into? In two more social workers and two more administrative assistants.

The total amount of the new Agreement for the year 2021 now amounts to 1,221,974.43 euros -represents an increase of 271,404.19 euros compared to the previous one-, of which the Community of Madrid will contribute 876,051.07 euros corresponding to its participation in 71.69% of the total and the City Council 345,923.36 euros, contributing the remaining 28.31%.

6.- Approval of the Agreement between the Community of Madrid and the Aranjuez City Council for the granting of Emergency Aid to Families in a situation of Vulnerability due to the impact of COVID

The purpose of this Agreement is to regulate the collaboration between the signatory parties for the granting of Emergency Aid intended to cover the basic needs of vulnerable individuals and families.

Through this Agreement, the Community of Madrid finances 100% of the expenses arising from the granting of the aid provided for in it, without any contribution being required by the City Council.

The validity of the Agreement extends from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

The credit allocated by the Community of Madrid to the program of emergency aid to vulnerable families due to COVID impact for the Aranjuez City Council amounts to the total amount of 300,755.58 euros and the distribution of this very important amount is 150,377.79 euros for the year 2022 and another 150,377.79 euros for the year 2023.

With both approvals we will be able to reach more families in a situation of vulnerability than we have reached to date, so that we will be able to pay for more programs such as home care, dining room and nursery aid, or emergency financial aid; in short, projects aimed at alleviating and improving the situation of social vulnerability of families, given that we will cover basic needs for food, hygiene, clothing, rentals, supplies, medicine, books, school supplies... for more families, as well as facilitating access to other social protection services.

7.- Approval of the start of the transfer procedure for twenty (20) homes, owned by the Aranjuez City Council, located at Paseo de Emilio García Grediaga 4, Portal 8 (currently nº 2 portal 4) and approval of the List of Clauses-Conditions of alienation

As a result of the absorption carried out, in its day, by this City Council of the Local Land and Housing Society, from the Consistory we assumed a total of 109 homes, 155 garages and 109 storage rooms. Some properties whose disposal was and is planned in the past Adjustment Plans and also in the one currently in force, given that these homes and other attached properties are encumbered with mortgage loans. Circumstances these that force that the income obtained by the sale must be destined to the amortization of said financial loans. This will mean, yes, one more step in improving the situation and the economic solvency of this City Council that the Municipal Government pursues so much and that I have the honor of presiding over. The sale of these homes also means putting housing on the market at a very affordable price.

After numerous and complicated administrative procedures, today we are in a position to announce the beginning of the sale procedure of the first twenty (20) dwellings of the aforementioned, after the corresponding approval in the last Governing Board.

The tender must be announced in the BOCM and in the Profile of the Contractor of the Aranjuez City Council so that the economic proposals that are desired by the interested parties can be presented. In view of the proposals presented, the competent body to resolve will issue a resolution on the award of the property, notifying the same both to the bidder who has been awarded and to the other bidders who have participated in the procedure.

The disposal will be done in batches. The lots that will come out will be a total of twenty (20) and each lot is made up of housing, storage room and garage. These are homes that have never been rented and, therefore, are brand new.

There are fourteen two-bedroom apartments, four one-bedroom apartments and two one-bedroom ground-floor apartments.

Who can submit an offer? Only natural persons who have full capacity to act in accordance with the provisions of the Public Sector Contracts Law.

What is the bidding price? It is the appraisal price of the different homes that ranges between 81,000 euros and 111,000 euros, taxes excluded.

From what date can offers be submitted? The forecast of the Government is to proceed with the publication of the announcement on Monday, September 20, therefore, they could be presented as of September 21

What is the deadline by which offers must be submitted? Within a period of 20 calendar days from the day following the publication of the tender notice in the Contractor Profile.

Where can bids be submitted? To this end, we will enable an additional office for the Registry that will be in the municipal building located at Calle Capitán Angosto Gómez Castrillón núm. 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Tuesday and Thursday). With out PRIVIOUSE appointment.

However, proposals may also be submitted at any of the places established in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (in our case: at the OAC by appointment, Police registration, through electronic registration, email ((viviendas@aranjuez.es) …)

How many lots can be offered? An offer may be submitted for as many lots as desired (the 20 homes) but only one lot may be awarded.

How many offers can be submitted per person and lot? One only per person and lot.

Will any point be enabled to resolve doubts or request information? YES

Similarly, a link to a virtual and photographic visit to each of the homes subject to sale will be made available in the contracting party's profile and on the website of the Aranjuez City Council.

Once the deadline for submitting applications has elapsed, the bidder who submits the best offer may make a face-to-face visit to the property subject to sale, accompanied by personnel from this City Council during a period of ten working days from the day following the day on which the contract was received. documentation requirement to adjudicate.

What are the award criteria that will serve for the selection?

They are the following over a maximum score of 100:

  1. ECONOMIC OFFER: The highest score will be assigned to the highest economic offer of those presented. The rest of the bidders will be assigned their score proportionally under the following formula:

Score= 70 *(Offer to be evaluated/ Higher offer)

  1. ABSENCE OF OWNED HOME: A score of 5 points will be assigned to the bidder who lacks an owned home, surface right or usufruct of all members of the cohabitation unit.
  2. SOCIAL CRITERIA: Up to 10 points will be assigned, valued as follows:

3.1. Applicants aged between 18 and 35 years, inclusive: 1.5 points.

3.2. For descendants of 35 years of age or younger, or ascendants of 65 years of age or older, who live with the applicant for at least two uninterrupted years immediately prior to the filing of the application: 1.5 points.

3.3. For the accreditation of very serious disability, equal to or greater than 75%, in accordance with the scales established in Annex I of Royal Decree 1971/1999, of December 23, on the procedure for the recognition, declaration and qualification of the degree of disability : 1.5 points.

In the event that more members with that degree of disability attend the same cohabitation unit, an additional 0.5 points will be added for each member affected by it, up to a maximum of 1 point.

3.4. Older people aged 65 or over: 1.5 points.

3.5. For the general large family accreditation with total gross income of the cohabitation unit not exceeding 35,000.01 euros: 1.5 points.

3.6. Women victims of gender violence in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence. The status of victim of gender violence must be accredited as established in article 31 of Law 5/2005, of December 20, Comprehensive against Gender Violence of the Community of Madrid: 1.5 points.

  1. ECONOMIC SITUATION: Up to 15 points will be assigned, valued as follows:

– Less than €15,000.00 per year = 15 points.

– From €15,000.01 to €20,000.00 per year = 12.5 points.

– from €20,000.01 to €25,000.00 per year = 7.5 points

– from €25,000.01 to €30,000.00 per year = 5 points

– from €30,000.01 to €35,000.00 per year = 2.5 points

– more than 35,000.01 = 0 points.

*Amounts in gross salary of the cohabitation unit

The cohabitation unit is made up of all the people who live at the same address, united by marriage or who have been established as a de facto couple, and their relatives up to the second degree by consanguinity, affinity or adoption or other people with whom they live. under guardianship for the purpose of adoption or permanent foster care.

Tiebreaker criteria: In the event of a tie, the highest economic offer submitted will be considered. In the event of identical economic offers, the dwelling will be awarded to the bidder who has obtained the highest score in the economic situation criterion.

Finally, if several bidders have offered the same economic offer and have obtained the same score in the economic situation criterion, the house will be awarded by lottery.

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Last modified: September 8, 2021