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The most fashionistas royals you have to know

Así como Coco Chanel revolucionó la moda femenina con estilos arriesgados y masculinos en mujeres, las nuevas generaciones de royals quieren marcar un sello personal rompiendo las tradiciones impuestas por generaciones.Los royals más fashionistas que tenés que conocer Los royals más fashionistas que tenés que conocer

Cutting with the protocols imposed by the company is difficult, but even more if you are part of royalty, but these young heirs, show that even from their position they can lead fashion to your will.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, is usually seen in public with typical costumes and protocol dresses.However, with small accessories or parts such as these white shoes, the young princess shows that she can combine a formal dress with sneakers according to her age and style.

In Japan the great dynasties reigned for years.Princess Aiko of Japan is the only heiress of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako.He is 19 years old and although the Japanese country is quite strict with the traditions and costume protocols, Aiko makes a difference with his style and has been seen in public using male fashion that breaks with traditional real dresses.

Los royals más fashionistas que tenés que conocer

Pauline Ducruet de Monaco is the daughter of Princess Estefanía de Monaco and granddaughter of Grace Kelly, Ducret is the number 16 in the line of succession to the throne and has taken fashion to another level.Not only is it characterized by using fashion and risky outfits, but she, as her 26 years designs in her own fashion firm.

The double princess Alexandra de Hanover with 21 years, is in line of succession to the throne of Monaco for his mother Carolina de Monaco and on the paternal side to the British kingdom.Alexandra is a lover of the High Fashion, of outfits in Jean and usually attends fashion parades of the great designers houses.

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