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There are more plastics than stars on the Milky Way and you are eating them: how they impact health

The numbers are overwhelming, but sometimes it is difficult to become aware of them: in 2017, a UN report counted 51 billion microplastics in the sea.This is more than the amount of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way.

To say that 8 tons of plastics arrive at the seas per year means, more graphically, that 800 Eiffel towers could be taken and throw them into the sea.This would have an idea of the volume of pollution that implies that data.Or 14.285 Airbus A380 aircraft.Or 34 Manhattan Islands.

The latter can even be literal.The garbage islands exist and have been identified in different parts of the planet.The largest is between California and Hawaii, and occupies 1.6 million km2, that is, three times the size of France.Although it is the largest known garbage island, it is not the only one: there is one more in the Pacific Ocean, two in the Atlantic and another in the Indian.If so, in 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.

Therefore, the problem of plastics is not the volume we produce in themselves, but its consequences that not only weigh in the marine ecosystem: people are eating plastic without knowing it.As indicated by the “Plastics pollution report.One of the greatest environmental challenges of the 21st century ”of the Observatory of Health and Environment of DKV and Ecodes, we ingest the equivalent of a credit card per week in plastics.This is equal to 21 grams per month.Given the implausible, science explains: "We consume it in the form of microplastics, which are tiny pieces of this material, of a diameter of less than 5 millimeters (between the size of an ant and that of a virus)," says Mario Rodríguez Vargas, Expert from the Ecology and Development Foundation Ecodes, and former director of Greenpeace.

But how do they get to our body?Like all particles: we breathe, we drink, ingest, even if they are not visible.According to the researcher, these microplastics can originate in two ways.Some deliberately occur in this size, such as microspheres present in many toothpoliants, exfoliants or detergents and a multitude of other industrial and agricultural products, which reach rivers, reservoirs and seas directly through the air,drag.Others are the microplastics that derive from larger products that have been degraded by their exposure to ultraviolet light, wind, water or microorganisms.

Health, on alert

As explained in the study “Nature without plastic: evaluation of human ingestion of plastics present in nature”, prepared by Dalberg Advisors for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), most plastics ingestion is for drinking water(Underground, superficial, tap and bottled).

Hay más plásticos que estrellas en la Vía Láctea y te los estás comiendo: cómo impactan en la salud

Throughout the world plastic fibers have been found in tap water, although with large regional variations.For example, in the United States and India were twice as much plastic fibers than in Europe or Indonesia.

Another source of microplastics are crustaceans that, if consumed daily, would contribute 0.5 grams.

According to Mario Rodríguez Vargas, the consequences for health are many: “They produce effects such as infertility on men, fertility problems in women, cardiovascular problems, in the nervous system...They are potential carcinogenic.They release endocrine disruptors that affect thyroid, testicles, mammary glands ”.Rodríguez also warns that the effects "are seen in the long term, are not immediate".

Endocrine disruptors are present in plastic food containers, generally bottles and cosmetic and hygiene products (not only in containers, but also as ingredients).

As denounced in the blog free -conmantaminanteshormonal.Org promoted by the NGO Ecologists in Action, the International Society of Endocrinology warned that these endocrine disruptors are chemical substances capable of altering the hormonal system which can trigger “decrease in the number of sperm, early puberty in girls, type 2 diabetes, obesity, damage to child brain development or breast and prostate cancer ”.

Where do microplastics come from?

35 % come from the washing of synthetic clothes.​​El 28 % tiene su origen en la abrasión de los neumáticos en la conducción.​​El 2 % son microplásticos agregados intencionalmente en productos de cuidado personal y limpieza.​​También se originan a partir de la degradación de grandes objetos de plástico, como bolsas de plásticos, botellas o redes de pesca.​​Un tercio de estos microplásticos terminan en suelos o masas de agua dulce.​​Los microplásticos entran en los seres vivos a través del aire que respiramos y por los alimentos y las bebidas que tomamos.

The centenary history of plastics

The great paradox is that the plastics originated with a good purpose: replace the ivory as raw material for the manufacture of billiard balls, piano keys, among other objects.In 1860, a contest in New York invited to invent a material that could be used instead of ivory.John Hyatt won, celluloid inventor.With many innovations along the way, we reach today's plastics, which are used even to wrap a banana or avocado.

Although, in July of this year, the European Union announced that the sale of straws, cutlery, plates, cotton sticks and polystyrene containers for food, among other single -use plastic products, was prohibited in the region, the measureIt will not come into force in Spain until January 1, 2023, as part of the Law on Contaminated Waste and Soils, which is pending processing.Once it is implemented, the alternative to these plastics of using and throwing will be similar products but made of paper, cardboard or fibers.

When healthy music

The Spanish pop music band Dvicio composed a song to add their contribution to the cause.It is titled "Do it for you", and seeks to attract attention to the importance of individual action to help the planet.This is the second installment of the song initiative for those who do not want to listen, the DKV project to, through music, raise awareness about the direct relationship that exists between people's health and the environment.The first song was released by India Martínez and was titled "We stopped breathing".

The initiative, which will feature the compositions of several Spanish artists about different environmental problems, is directed, especially "to those who still do not give the importance it deserves to climate change, pollution and their health consequences", according to theCEO of DKV, Josep Santacreu.The Dvicio song is now available on all platforms.

How to fight microplastics

As stated in the report of the Health and Environment Observatory of DKV and Ecodes, there are ways to reduce the use of plastics on a day -to -day basis following these tips:

-Not using plastic bags and rejecting those offered in stores.

-Evitate bottled water: ask for tap water or use a stuffed, stainless steel or glass bottle.

-Evitate containers, straws and plastic utensils.Try to buy products without packaging opting for bulk purchase or weight.Opt for glass to store food, avoid bags, film paper and plastic containers.In your cosmetics and other hygiene products.

-Evite microplastics in your cleaning and cosmetics products: for this, you have to choose those that do not contain polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene Glycol (PEG- followed by a number), Peta-Methyl Polymethacrylate(PMMA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or nylon.

-Elect products of biodegradable materials: there are alternatives such as wooden combs, cellulose sponges or ceramic cover.