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What is the weather during the year in Bogotá and what are the summer months?

The city of Bogotá, located in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, that is to say in the Andean area of the country, it has a cold and very dry climate.Before the climate change occurred, caused by the contamination of the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, the city enjoyed summer and winter stations, clearly identified throughout the year: summer, characterized by a fresh climate, somethingcloudy, sunny and hot days during the first three months of each semester of the year, and winter, rainy, cloudy and very cold days during the last three months of each semester of the year.

Today, the Bogotá climate has changed and will continue to change with more and less rains seasons during the year, summer and short.1 ºC.During the day the average maximum temperature ranges between 18 and 20 ºC while at dawn the minimum temperature is between 8 and 10 ºC, although in the dry season at the beginning of the year temperatures can lower to less than 5ºC in the early morning.

According to IDEAM, due to climate change and its effects, in the coming years an increase in temperature and a change in the rainy regime in a differentiated way throughout its territory is expected for Bogotá.An annual average temperature increase of 0 is projected.8 ºC, 1.4 ºC and 2.2 ºC to 2014, 2070 and 2100 respectively.

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The rainy days vary considerably during the year, but the most wet season lasts approximately eight months, March, April, May, September, October, November and December, as indicated by Weather Spark, Meteorological Information Agency.And according to Ideam, the dry season lasts only four months, January, February, July and August.The rainiest days are concentrated in April and the least rainy in January.

The phenomena of the boy and the girl, which occur when the temperature of the Pacific Ocean rises or lowair, says ideam.