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Why is this the year for Christmas jumpers?

The fashion for Christmas sweaters did not arise in Spain, but as with all curious things, it was difficult for this novelty not to cross borders. Every year there are more followers to wear one of these garments, but... what do these sweaters have to cause such a sensation?

Christmas sweaters are a trend

There is a tradition known as the “Ugly Christmas Sweater” or “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day”, which is celebrated, depending on the place, on December 20 or 21 and that consists of wearing during that day the most tacky Christmas sweater that is found.

But why tacky? The designs of these sweaters have evolved so much and you can find such a variety of them that they have ceased to be a reason for astonished glances and mocking laughter to become a true fashion. Are you already thinking about how you want your sweaters to be for this Christmas? That's because you know you can beat last year's!

And the fact is that the Christmas sweater is a piece of clothing that goes far beyond protecting the person who is wearing it from the cold. In the end, the clothes we wear are part of our identity and if Christmas sweaters are characterized by something, it is because of how distinctive and peculiar they are.

 Why is this the year for Christmas sweaters?

Among the most common characteristics of these garments are their color (usually green, red or black) and that the drawings that decorate them are Christmas motifs (Christmas trees, reindeer, stars, Santa Claus, etc.). There are even 3D elements attached to them, such as pompoms, lights... or even glasses to play Beer Pong! Don't you believe it? At https://jersey-navideno.es/ you can discover a large number of possibilities!

Why are Christmas sweaters so popular?

As there is a wide variety of models, it is not difficult to find one that catches our attention. In addition, it is a fashion that "drags". That is to say, a person puts it on and either because it brings out more than one smile or because they really like it (or both, of course), the truth is that it ends up contagious and there is always someone who adds to it.

In addition, many families use them to give that personal and fun touch at family dinners, in special moments, such as when decorating the house, or to take the photos that will be used in Christmas cards. There are them for men, women, children and there are those who even put it on pets. Not even celebrities can resist them!

In addition to everything mentioned, it should be noted that because it is a comfortable garment, many people choose to have it as if it were a uniform, not only during the most important days of the festivities, but long before they begin to start calling in the holiday spirit.

Yes, we know that Christmas is still a few months away, but remember that these jumpers are becoming more and more popular. If you have the opportunity to get yours now, do not miss the opportunity. It is not going to be that in December you cannot get your favorite!