Diez datos para entender la situación de las mujeres en Afganistán Skip to contentNewtralMujeres en Afganistán: 10 datos para entender su situaciónSiguiente
Despite gender progress in the last two decades, the situation of Afghan women is one of the most precarious in the world.We review some data
Por Carolina Bazante y Cristina PitaData | 4min lecturaMujeres lavando la ropa en Afganistán/ MAXIMUN EXPOSURE PR WEB SHUTTERSTOCKPor Carolina Bazante y Cristina PitaData | 4min lecturaThe danger of women in Afghanistan after the arrival of the Taliban in the capital, Kabul, has held headlines around the world.The fear of losing advances in equality has made many fleeing, but has also driven others to face those who intend to restore their freedoms.
United Nations recognizes that, although some milestones have been achieved, the situation of women in Afghanistan was among the worst of the world even before arrival Taliban.So much that in many ways there is not even data to make an analysis.For example, in December 2020, UN Women had less than 40% of the indicators established to monitor gender equality in the country.[Three data on the progress of women in Afghanistan that threatens the Taliban regime]
Even so, existing data show a difficult panorama for women.We review some of them.
Afghanistan occupies the 157th position of the United Nations gender inequality index (GII).But there are data that reflect a contrast situation.
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