04 08
Zara's reign ended: Amazon spears clothing store and this is his secret weapon

Zara has a new enemy to which he will have to begin to tremble, is called Amazon Style and is the new Jeff Bezos' clothing store proposal, with which he ventures into the retail fashion of physical spaces in the world.

Amazon's landing in physical spaces is not new, in fact it is a soft strategy that has been handling the brand in recent years (stores such as Whole Foods or its physical book store), in order to adapt to consumer demand and the mostImportant, to take increasingly bold challenges in the market, especially in which it has increasingly adapted to digitize these activities demands by the demanding consumer.

Zara's new threat

Amazon Style that starts operations in Los Angeles (Glendale, California) at the end of 2022 and the measure is an interesting bet of the brand that has already used physical spaces to sell mass consumption products and books.

In its new proposal, the brand will begin selling men and women's clothes, as well as accessories of emerging brands, with prices of all kinds, so it highlights the category of products that confirm the migration of its digital showcase to an offline space,So these prices the same go from a garment of 10 dollars (just over 200 pesos, approximately) to 400 dollars (just over 8 thousand pesos, approximately).

The first to give clues of what we will see is Smoina Vasen, who has nothing less than the responsibility of being the managing director of Amazon Style, so we already know who the woman is behind the attack strategy against large stores like Zara.

Se acabó el reinado de Zara: Amazon lanza tienda de ropa y esta es su arma secreta

In the keys that have been given in this regard, Vesten has said that the store seeks to offer products for each budget, with a wide range of price in almost three thousand square meters of store.

La arma secreta con la que Amazon parece que doblegará a competidores como Zara, H&M y similares, es que contará con elementos tecnológicos, como probadores cuya propuesta es única.

First, consumers will no longer find clothes hanging in large volumes in the store, they will only find exhibition garments and if they are of interest you will have to wear their smartphone to scan a QR code that allows them to know more details as a price, sizesavailable and opinions of other consumers.If the garment is of interest, you can select it to send it to your personal tester or the delivery area.

One of the important characteristics of the testers is that these will have all the garments that the consumer selected to test and inside has a screen to give their opinion of each garment.

If you continue buying, the tester is blocked to find the same garments and can combine them with other selected.The payment process is done with the famous Amazon scanner, which detects the palm of the hands of consumers.

A new clothing store in difficult times

What times lived and only powerful brands like Amazon can afford a store with the muscle to overcome well -known competitors such as Zara.The bet is interesting because it revalues the physical space and reminds us how important it has become for the consumer to live experiences increasingly determined by the digital line to which it has become accustomed.

In this new bet of brands, Digital plays a key role in experience and how it is equipped with products and the capacity to buy the consumer, offering the opportunity to live what it is like to buy in a new concept of retail fashion fromof 10 dollars.

Sustainability, the great debt

The Amazon Style opening is a great advance in experience at point of sale, however it is not innovated in the most important thing that is the sustainability demanded by the consumer.

This debt is due in large part to the fact that the issue is still difficult to address and commercially challenging, the important thing to see is the reaction of the consumer to this great debt with which the places where they buy, as well as the opportunity with which you arehas patented to respond to this demand.

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